Hey Elution!
When you are driving and you see a heavier person exercising, do you judge them? I used to be really self-conscious that people were judging me, becuase my belly would jiggle and basically every part of my body would jiggle, and still probably does, but then I started thinking... what do I think when I see someone working out? I usually don't think twice about it, number one, but my secondary emotion is "Wow! That's great to see people out and exercising and taking charge of their own health, instead of relying on pills and shots and Dr. visits!" Not once have I thought, oh look at that lazy fat person EXERCISING! And when I'm the one who's outside, jiggling up and down the street to make myself stronger, if it's been a rough day or I just don't feel good about myself, I just remember - I'M THE ONE EXERCISING! THEY'RE THE ONES IN THE CARS DOING NOTHING! And then I imagine that they're on the way home to eat a big unhealthy dinner.. sometimes to entertain myself I even imagine them sitting around eating fast food making fun of me exercising and it just motivates me more! Because really, who is the loser?
And if you feel like your husband is grossed out by you, you should really talk to him about it. Because if he does feel like that, then he is doing NOTHING to help you get healthier. In fact, he is keeping your self-confidence DOWN, which is PREVENTING you from making YOUR OWN CHANGES to make your life BETTER. And that is not something you should have to sacrifice - health and happiness. Is it possible that he feel self-conscious about himself, so he doesn't want to see you make improvements? I really think you should talk to him. Someone who loves you and is so close to you, should never make you feel that way.
Just make little changes! If you feel self-conscious running, start walking for a while, and then jog/walk... and then pretty soon you'll be jogging and you'll have forgotten all about the jiggles because they'll be GONE! Also - getting in to running again always feels funny for the first couple days, like you are out of sync or something. Push through it and you'll see!