Used to run but too embarrassed now


New member
I'm trying to get back into working out but it's been difficult because Im embarrassed to workout. I feel like Im constantly being judged and its been a huge obstacle for me. I used to run all the time but now I jiggle quite a bit when I run and I think people are probably making fun of me. And when I workout at home I feel embarrassed because I think my husband is grossed out by me...he's never said it but you know how you just know sometimes. It all makes me want to put on a big pair of baggy sweats and hide all my fatness :(. Has anyone else gone through this? How do you get over it and just workout??
I don't know how or if you can 'just get over it,' but if you don't stick with your exercise plan, then you'll never get to the point where you feel like your husband is 'grossed out.' Honestly, it's probably more that you're just worried that he feels that way, even if he doesn't. If he really is grossed out by you trying to improve your health, then it's not worth worrying about what he has to think.
Personally, when I see a heavier person out running/ exercising I think it's great. Not gross or disgusting. There's plenty of heavy people who will just sit on the couch and do nothing. You are one of the few who are doing something about it. Also have you ever thought about the fact that some people who are watching you probably can't even run the distance or speed you're running at? It's true.

Also, when I know people are watching me run, it makes me want to run faster, which then adds to the workout. It's really a win win!:hurray:

Keep it going and don't be discouraged! You can do this!
Well, theres only one way to change that.....keep working out and eating healthy! Be strict and keep to it. You cant lose weight or get in shape caring what others think about how you look when you exercise. I gained 60lbs by being off of work due to an injury, and ive been determined to lose it. I didnt look too overweight, but did get the comments. Who cares what they think?

For me, thinking people are making fun of me, or thinking negative is my motivator to show them I will lose it, then they cant think that way anymore. So far, ive lost 4 inches off of my waist in the last month by eating right and hitting my treadmill everyday religiously (since im not allowed to do any weightlifting). I went from a 40 waist to a 36 so far. I can see and feel the difference. You need to stop thinking about what others think, and care about only what you think and thats losing weight, and being healthy!

When youre at the gym, thats what people are there lose weight and get into shape! They arent looking at you funny, theyre thinking its great that you are taking the inititive to lose the weight instead of being like the obese nation we have become and waiting for the "lazy miracle weight loss plan" before they put down the potato chips and ice cream and make an effort. You cant look better if you dont start somewhere with your own one elses....and no one elses opinion. Only yours counts!
Hey Elution!

When you are driving and you see a heavier person exercising, do you judge them? I used to be really self-conscious that people were judging me, becuase my belly would jiggle and basically every part of my body would jiggle, and still probably does, but then I started thinking... what do I think when I see someone working out? I usually don't think twice about it, number one, but my secondary emotion is "Wow! That's great to see people out and exercising and taking charge of their own health, instead of relying on pills and shots and Dr. visits!" Not once have I thought, oh look at that lazy fat person EXERCISING! And when I'm the one who's outside, jiggling up and down the street to make myself stronger, if it's been a rough day or I just don't feel good about myself, I just remember - I'M THE ONE EXERCISING! THEY'RE THE ONES IN THE CARS DOING NOTHING! And then I imagine that they're on the way home to eat a big unhealthy dinner.. sometimes to entertain myself I even imagine them sitting around eating fast food making fun of me exercising and it just motivates me more! Because really, who is the loser? :)

And if you feel like your husband is grossed out by you, you should really talk to him about it. Because if he does feel like that, then he is doing NOTHING to help you get healthier. In fact, he is keeping your self-confidence DOWN, which is PREVENTING you from making YOUR OWN CHANGES to make your life BETTER. And that is not something you should have to sacrifice - health and happiness. Is it possible that he feel self-conscious about himself, so he doesn't want to see you make improvements? I really think you should talk to him. Someone who loves you and is so close to you, should never make you feel that way.

Just make little changes! If you feel self-conscious running, start walking for a while, and then jog/walk... and then pretty soon you'll be jogging and you'll have forgotten all about the jiggles because they'll be GONE! Also - getting in to running again always feels funny for the first couple days, like you are out of sync or something. Push through it and you'll see!
When I see someone running or riding and I haven't done my gym for the day I feel a bit guilty and jealous they have the time and I haven't. If I have done my gym for the day and I see people running or riding it makes me think about my own routine and how it might compare to theirs and if theirs might be better and if there's something I could learn from that.
Thanks for the support! It does motivate me a little more to run faster when other's are looking at me. i guess i never thought of that. Right now I run a mile in about 12 mins. I guess some people can probably walk it faster but its a start i suppose. and some people cant run it at all. I do hope that someone will get motivated to get off the coach if they see me run although i'm sure i make it look so painful they're thinking they'd rather not! haha. my goal is to be able to run it in 9 mins in a month.

i have talked to my H about how i feel around him and he says he doesn't feel that way. he actually complements me all the time, telling me i'm looking thinner and that i feel toner...i guess it is in my head. im just paranoid. my mom told me repeatedly that she could never love a fat child so i guess that sort of stuck with me into adulthood. I think there's no way my H can love me if i'm fat.
i have talked to my H about how i feel around him and he says he doesn't feel that way. he actually complements me all the time, telling me i'm looking thinner and that i feel toner...i guess it is in my head. im just paranoid. my mom told me repeatedly that she could never love a fat child so i guess that sort of stuck with me into adulthood. I think there's no way my H can love me if i'm fat.

It's a good step forward that you spoke with him about how you were feeling. I think saying that there isn't anyway he'd love you if you were fat is a stretch. He's with you because he loves you. Loved ones aren't repulsed by weight gain, they're concerned by it. There's a huge difference. They love you so they want you to be with them for as long as possible and that requires a healthy and active life style. :)

Leave the negative thoughts of childhood behind. This is the here and now,baby!
Don't be embarrassed! The people who you think are judging you are probably more embarrassed than you are. You are the one who is exercising, you are the one doing the right thing, you're the one committed to improving your life, and you are the one who is going to look at yourself in the mirror in a couple of months and say damn, I look so much better!

You are doing the right thing be exercising, it may be tough at first, but just keep your chin up and stride through it (pun intended :p)

The more you run the better you feel about yourself, I know it's tough, but it's only going to get easier. Build up your courage and just do it!

Hope this helped, good luck :D
To hell with the people who want to discourage you! Think about how much better youll feel, the feeling of acomplishment, and how great youll look! That should be enough motivation to not care what anyone else thinks...except you!
Just remember you're doing this for you, not the people around you. If it makes you feel good and your hubby is complementing you on your success, keep it going girl! You can do this! Soon enough you'll be running 9 minute miles!:party:
Thanks guys! I've been running almost every day but i go through an arguing spat with myself before hand. lol. I have to tell myself that i'll look better and they probably aren't making fun of me, im just being paranoid. And its true, I wouldn't make fun of someone that was trying either! Today was tuff but i just went out there and i felt great while i was running. i felt stronger and when i went past some people i didn't think they were making fun of me. :)

Loved ones aren't repulsed by weight gain, they're concerned by it.

That really hit home for me. thank you for reminding me of that.