Weight-Loss use your cell phone to watch what you eat



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Even your cell phone can help you lose weight by helping you watch what you eat.

I was watching the news the other day when they started talking about diet.com's new mobile nutrition service. Suppose you are waiting in line at a fast food place, deciding between two options. You can make the healthier choice by knowing the nutritional information of the two options. you text the name of the restaurant and item to diet1 or 34381 and diet.com will text you back immediatey with all the nutritional information such as calories & fat. I used this a few times and find it very helpful in watching what I eat. I thought maybe you guys would find it helpful as well.
cell phones in restaurants are rude :)
I was just trying to help introduce a good service to people like me who care about what they eat. When I go to restaurants, I don't know how many calories are in certain dishes and I just found it helpful to know nutritional facts of items that I order. Also, I have an unlimited text messaging plan so it's free for me but that could be different for others.

sorry if it sounded like a spam/scam. I was just trying to be helpful.