Upper Foot Pain


I've been running for about 4 months and recently i got abit of pain on my upper foot. It seems to be slightly swollen and when i point my toes to the ceiling it gives the sensation of a rough feeling its quite hard to explain, like similar to a vibrating feeling!? Could be to do with my ligament? I get the impression that its caused from my shoes rubbing but quite surprised that its just began after 4 months. Any help or advice will be appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
guess no one knows!! going for a 6 mile 2mrw so hopefully it will be gone rested up for 5 days!!
I would say that its the Anterior Tibial Tendon, Ran today and the pain is coming back! :-(

In the bend? Two things, first, make sure your socks aren't too tight. I've had my socks make me think I was really injured and then realized the socks themselves were almost lacerating my ankle. Secondly, I've had the tendon get tender from overuse but nothing that ever turned into a full blown injury. Go easy, ice the area, and maybe try some socks that sit higher.
Will give it go!! i had a feeling it could be my socks they are the ankle ones so i may go for something abit more stretchy and sit higher like you suggested! thanks for your replys!
Incidently, my Anterior Tibial Tendon area of that diagram has been hurtly like heLL lately too except the bigger pain is on my left foot although there is pain on both feet. I've been playing a lot of basketball which I thought was the cause. I've been wearing some tight socks so maybe I'll change that up. My socks usually aren't tight but I got like 1 or two tight pairs and I wore them two days in a row.
foot pain and home remedy

foot pain
foot pain are very common cases near the age 35-75 years old men and women often to as socially ,medical ,personal ,and family difficulties that pain owners are spending so much costs and often patients become depressed from this problem.
factors that can be involved in the appear the foot pain are in some kind .
*arthritis-rheumatism - internal problem such as hormone or vitamin.
*lab test in result changing factors in urine or blood .
*foot pain from practically factors.
*foot pain from to bruise .
*unknown chronic pain .
1 - self curing for practically factors , prepare an antibiotic 500 milli are packing in the capsule put out drug and put in aloe in powder eat in fasting in the morning after half hour you can eat breakfast .one capsule in a week is enough if could not effects eat another one next week .aloe is in nine kind ,vera aloe is one of kind in aloe ,every aloe that grocery choice for you use it .about aloe 's indication is article in the following this page .in this case (practically factors)pain appears on the foot in sometime and often appears on the loins (bodice) and patient after walking 20 - 50 meter he/she must rest in some minutes. practically factors that can be involved in the cause of foot pain include.
*lifting heavy things.
*climbing hill or mountain.
*climbing bladder or hard sport .
2- home remedy in curing foot pain from to bruise .before sleep at the night solve half spoon salt in the water and rub on the painful places, two yolk of the egg mix with one or half spoon alum in powder and rub over dried skin from salt and bandage with elastic paper and bandage cloth in the morning wash the foot .yolk must be from leghorn race or domestic hen .
3- self curing in chronic pain on the foot .before sleep rub lamb oil on the foot and use in the repeat .about lamb oil preparation : the oil is obtained from the coccyx fatty area from a 6-7month old young baby lamb 'the raw fat contains lanolin, to prepare the usage oil you must cook the fat and the meat until the fat has fried the meat toasted ,removing the meat and letting the oil cool down .then rubbing the oil through a period in some night .

aloe indication in summery
aloe is derivatives from ( anthraquinonique) pharmaceutical group this group are purgative if we use in few amount(0/%5-0/10)gram in the drug aloe become purgative ,anti worm and strengthening in digestion, but using in big amount aloe would be strong purgative and menstruation cause ,women should be avoid using the aloe in pregnancy and between menstruation period near a patient who lab test in leaflet had seen blood in urine or person who have hemorrhoids they can not use aloe .children can not use aloe only in to dredge(purging)in few amount in water can use it ,if leaf of aloe to be crushed and in touch with eczema wound and repeat it in some times eczema will cure.