Upper body and arms

Ok.. I noticed that I have a flabby back (really sick.. I never noticed it before) and arms. I don't think I have very broad shoulders for a female, I think it's just the fat thats making it look bigger. What can I do to lose weight in my back and arms without building muscle?
this is the same problem as trying to trim those abs. You can't spot reduce. Doing back / arm exercises will help build muscle definition, which will help reduce the look of having a "flabby back", but won't actually get rid of the fat. However, that said, muscle is an efficient fat burner, so the combination of weight training (high reps so that you don't bulk up) with cardio is your best bet for reducing fat.
ok, yeah in the morning I do the Winsor Pilates 20 min workout video, then later in the day I go to the gym and do about 50 mins of cardio as well as some weight training... so you said high reps? Do you mean like less weight, and more reps?
yes, less weight, more reps... =) if you want to bulk up, you do as much weight as you can for just a few reps... but to tone, less weight, more reps =)
to target the back of the arms do dips dips
Keep your back straight at all times and your body weight distributed between your hands and feet. Begin with your bottom elevated and arms straight,use a chair backed against a wall or something similar. To perform the exercise, slowly bend your elbows to about 90 degrees as you lower the bottom, Slowly straighten your arms to return to the starting position. these are really great and youu can feel them working the back and the butt have the largest muscle so doing some resistance training and adding some weights will really fire up your metabolism making you lose weight quicker so even on the days you have off your metabolism will still be high building muscle is the only way you are really going to get great definition in your arms and keep it tight no matter how much weight you lose your arms will still be flabby if you dont do some resistance training at least!! remember muscle takes up less space in the body this is why when you increase your muscle mass your clothes will fit better
I'm just scared to do a lot of weight lifting, because I don't want to look very butch. My friend when we were about 16-17, she was fiarly small and fit, but her limbs were a bit bigger then they should be... kinda out of porportion. So she started lifting weights, and now shes got butch biceps but they aren't very defined. You can tell they are muscle because they are hard, but it looks flabby when her arms are relaxed. I just don't want my arms to look the same way.
You don't have to worry about looking butch,women don't have the genetic make up to look like hulk/unless they add steriod then they could be very hulky lol.. if you keep the weights not to heavy so you can do 3 sets of 12-15 reps you should be able to tighten up that area :) but you still need to loose the fat that covers them or you don't get a great muscle deffinition
Look around some diffrent sites they have pictures to describe all types of stuff you can do for your back and arms.(if you just loose weight but don't ''tone up'' the area it's still going to be flabby)
Good luck :)
Well ya just gotta try them out to see what works. Your skin will tighten up once the fat is gone, your skin is young enough to do that lol. abcbodybuilding.com has ltos of excercises under their excercise section.
try not to look at it as weight lifting you arent lifting a car! you are getting great definiton i have had problems with my arms forever i would never wear just a tshirt i would always have my arms covered not one of my friends could tell you what my arms look like niether could my boyfriend!! i used to really hate them now i use weights i have been doing that 4 about 6 weeks on and off the tightness around the clothing has really loosened.
its so hard to bulk up without u trying extremley hard to get serena williams arms you really need to want that to get that its not something that just happens overnight dont use to much of a light weight but not to heavy either you want it so you are able to feel the burn in 12-15 reps
you said your friend had big limbs from the start that would be why she looked butch when she done weights she should have done pilates instead to lengthen the muscle if they look flabby when the arms are relaxed she still hasnt reduced her body fat enough then in that area this is a really good site for training its by a woman and really starts to get your mind around adding weights to your routine
Stumptuous really is a good site,plus the lady is quite funny. I would encourage anybody to check it out.she gives good tips and great advice esp. "the crap " section.
she is funny i was so glad my boyfriend found it for me she tells it like it is especially the whole fear of us females being afraid of the weights!!
thanks so much you guys!