Thanks friends for really helping me out and giving me advice. Right now I have totally improved myself
able to max 115 pushjerk and clean
squat 120
bench 85 ()
Im now 128 up from 117 and I am starting to really enjoy my results and im SURE rising fast with more weight in fast transitions. I love weight training and what its doing for me.
I broke my wrist a week ago and have to hold this cast on for 5 more weeks.
My hard work down the dran
1. When I get back, can I kiss these muscles away as in no weights forover a month = no muscle?
2. Will i still be able to be doing wrist involving exercises like cleans and pushjerks or is that out ()
Hope to talk to you all again soon
- SeP
able to max 115 pushjerk and clean
squat 120
bench 85 ()
Im now 128 up from 117 and I am starting to really enjoy my results and im SURE rising fast with more weight in fast transitions. I love weight training and what its doing for me.
I broke my wrist a week ago and have to hold this cast on for 5 more weeks.
My hard work down the dran
1. When I get back, can I kiss these muscles away as in no weights forover a month = no muscle?
2. Will i still be able to be doing wrist involving exercises like cleans and pushjerks or is that out ()
Hope to talk to you all again soon
- SeP