Update- on journey to gain weight


New member
I ate a lot more than normal this weekend and feel very bloated. It’s good though, I need to gain some weight. I really need to keep trying to nourish myself and work up to an adequate intake. I’ve been wanting to make a smoothie now for days and haven’t gotten around to it; someone also told me about making an egg nog latte and thought that sounds good too. Maybe I’ll make one or both of those today. What else are people enjoying during the holidays as far as nutrition goes? I’d love some more ideas.EE70C246-A90F-4595-A5C6-DA2118506317.jpeg2CEB0C16-FA4F-4BA8-ACC4-5748252A923F.jpeg89CFD582-FE20-47E5-B422-E27E49C502E3.jpeg327F4D74-89A9-4D86-A894-0BD810D04647.jpeg
I’m starting to make some progress.
Sorry to hear you're feeling bloated but I love that you're succeeding in eating more. I'm not one for traditional holiday foods but I'm going to enjoy my falafel pitas tonight!
So yesterday I went to a psychiatrist and she prescribed me medication that may have weight gain as a side effect. I am terrified because what if it’s too much? I am feeling urges to restrict even more and exercise even more to counteract the effects. I know it would be healthy for me to gain a bit of weight, but I really don’t want to anymore.
I plan to do a mixture of both. I used to just go on runs for my workouts but tomorrow I’m gonna try doing some workout videos that have a lot more variations.
Ignore the spammers, Raelee. I don’t think any of us think you should lose any weight. I know I want you to be healthy.
Ignore the spammers, Raelee. I don’t think any of us think you should lose any weight. I know I want you to be healthy.
Thank you. I went to work today and I felt really fat, but my boss made some comments and kind of implied something about being too thin. She said “if I made a bagel and cream cheese, would you eat it?” And I very hesitantly said yes. Then she’s like, “it’s good for you; you’ll get big and strong”. Then said something about me not eating enough. She’s right. But I really don’t feel that thin at all so it’s hard to accept weight gain. I’m fine with natural weight gain that comes from eating enough food, but when it’s a side effect from medication, I’m absolutely terrified.
Did you talk to the psychiatrist about your worries? That's something they usually want to know because it can impact your motivation to actually take it. Usually weight gain as a side effect just means you get more hungry, not that you gain weight from the food you were already eating.