Weight-Loss Upcoming Challenge - WLF Olympics??

Here's an idea Im stealing from elsewhere on the web -and we'll go with it if there's interest...

since there's a bunch of stuff starting apr 1 - this would probably start may 1 - or maybe make it a mother's day 5K

a Virtual 5 K race..

the concept is simple

there will be 2 categories
walkers and runners

We'll pick a certain day - preferably a weekend and you're object is to walk or run 5K (3.1 miles)

you would report back to me via PM your time.

Time will be posted

I think prizes may be awarded for this contest too :) Just not sure what yet :)

Honor system would apply - no fudging your numbers and if you used

to show us the route you walked or ran that'd be awesome too :)
I'm in :)

you can decide for yourself when the challenge kicks off -

though we could add a category for the wun :) that is the walk/runners :)
Could we do a bunch of things other than just running?
like for instance, perhaps
pram pushing
etc etc

Mini forumpics!
Mal isn't here to answer the questions - she'll be out of town until Monday I believe.

The challenge date hasn't been set yet (or I should say announced).

As for what else can be done - I would imagine whatever rules a regular 5K has...walking, jogging or running.
Could we do a bunch of things other than just running?
like for instance, perhaps
pram pushing
etc etc

Mini forumpics!

the original challenge would have had two events - a 5k walk and a 5 k run that people would submt their times...

We could add in additional events...
I am interested in doing this, but I'm not comfortable with mapping the route that I took because it's soo.. local. hahaha So, as long as the mapping the run part isn't required, I am really interested.
Hmmmm... Can I join too?


I dunno if its fair or not since I am already thinking of running 5km a day at least 3 times a week from work anyways. Doesn't really seem like exercise though, more like just transportation. Something I would do, contest or not. :)

I did my first 5km run yesterday actually and ran 5km home again tonight! I have a picture of my route from yesterday in my diary. All parks! What a great run! But considering I have been walking 6km home after work everyday for over a month, and am now thinking of running it , I would be happy to join up.

the winner is the best time for that 5K :) so you're more than welcome to joing - maybe we'll add in a 10K just to challenge you a little more :D

What events would you like to see?

(Leigh has offered prizes for the 5K walk/run and I said I'd come up with a prize or do but I won't guarentee prizes for all events )