up and down weightloss

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New member
hi guys

my weight loss journey has been super difficult as it keeps going up and down, I dont really know what part I need to be more stricter on, there has been a point where I was 8 stones and in a couple of months 12 to 13 stones. I have had my health checked and I have no underlying health problems, my doctor thinks it is due to anxiety. Lately my diet seems to be getting much better but my exercise has been up and down.

Any suggestions from people of up and down weight? do you do any specific exercise or diet you guys do? I really want to get in shape as we have a girls trip coming up and I always feel like the big extra girl. also going to the gym is super hard for me because of being bigger than the rest. any suggestions on videos I can follow or home workouts that work for you?

lately I have been following link removed it is pretty good but i want to have different routines so i dont loose interests
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Hey Lucaso and welcome to the forum. Exercise is wonderful for a whole bunch of things in life (anxiety can be one of them) but what controls your weight is mostly what you eat. If anxiety makes you comfort eat then anything which reduces your anxiety may indeed help you lose weight. You´re the best person to judge if that is the case but if it is it would be great to find a therapist to discuss your it with (online, over the phone, or in person). Because anxiety sucks and life is better with less of it.
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