Unsure about what kind of supplement i require

Hi, I would like to gain to muscle mass and also achieve a lean BF%.
What kind of supplement would you recommend?
I know it's a broad question but any help is better than no help..
A healthy bodybuilding diet.
honest truth. the most sucessful trainers will say that supplements account for no more than 10% of progress. your training and your meal plan are what will make or break you.

if you use supplements stick with the basics like vitamins, minerals, protein, EFAs, etc :)
My staples:

Milk Protein Isolate - %80casein/%20whey
Fish Oil

Its already been stated, if your diet isn't on par supplments won't get you to your goals alone.
bradpig369 said:
Unsure what supplement I require

How do you know you require a supplement?