Unsolicited Advice - Y/N?

Is it ever acceptable to give unsolicited advice at the gym?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 68.0%
  • No

    Votes: 8 32.0%

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  • Poll closed .
Always unacceptable, or do intentions matter?

There's this chick I see every Tues when I'm doing dynamic lower, and she's the only girl I've seen doing squats at the Y.

And the glutes on her...:drooling1: But that's not what it's about. See, she uses the pad thing, and though her form is pretty good, she is doing them wrong. She's bending at the waist instead of sitting back, partially because the pad leaves the weight too far forward. I want to let her know what I've noticed, recommend she ditch the pad, learn to carry the bar on her traps, and really focus on keeping her core tight and her self upright, widening her stance a bit if she has to.

But, it's poor etiquette, isn't it? Your thoughts, please. :)
Usually chicks love me, despite the fact that I look like a rapist - probably because I actually talk to them rather than talk to getting into their pants - but she seems very skittish. Like a young doe on the meadow.

I dunno. Just doesn't seem right to not say anything. I'll probably give it a shot next Tues, either way, but I'm really wondering about this, as I see a lot of **** going on. And I occasionally can't help saying something. Am I that guy at the gym everybody hates? I mean they usually seem quite appreciative, and behave like we're suddenly best buddies, but I don't know if that's just a politeness or "afraid of the crazy brown dude" thing or what.
I've never offered advice before, but that's probably because I know the majority of people don't take it.

You're right about the chick getting that pad off the bar but I just know she won't do it, there'll be some teenage trainer round the corner with pencil legs telling her she needs the bar to protect her spine or some other crap he's just read in Mens Health

But....I would say something if I thought they could damage themselves badly while I'm close enough to get hit by the blood
I think it's only fine if the person is clearly doing something completely wrong that could result in injury. Any other sort of advice isn't needed.

Personally, I hate when some big tough guy tries to give me advice when I'm in the middle of something. However, if I was doing something that could be perceived as dangerous to myself or to someone else, then advice is clearly warranted at that point.

Just my opinion!

Vote: Yes
Yea I agree with Kraken.

Unless she's really hott and you want to start up a convo with her!


Stacy doesn't go to my gym bro. ;)

... Right?

Thanks, Kraken, and Trix! I can definitely see where you're coming from on that one, Yeti, as I'm like DW in that I don't want anyone even talking to me at all at the gym, but if they have something valuable to say and I learn something... How Trix feels is pretty much how I feel, as it becomes a, "I don't care what I like if it means my performance/safety," thing. I mean I'm not some big juiced up ape with a permaboner, just a concerned fat kid who's pretty sure she's going to hurt herself eventually.
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Steve said:
- Sister Site Link

If I asked everyone "why the **** do you do what you're doing?" I would never get any training done. What you see people doing in gyms today is spectacularly stupid. Just when you think it can't possibly get worse...

It does.

I butt out of it now. I don't speak up unless I actually know the person and even then I watch myself. People get so defensive, which is just as stupid as the actual **** they're doing.

I love that man.
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Nah, let her be, it's worked for her so far. Altho when I was in yesterday I saw this dude doing seated one arm curls and throwing his entire body into it to whip the weight up and it was a 30 lb dumbell and he did 45 reps per arm per set. I wanted to say something to him, but alas, I just basked in ability to do bent over rows with poor form.
Always unacceptable, or do intentions matter?

There's this chick I see every Tues when I'm doing dynamic lower, and she's the only girl I've seen doing squats at the Y.

And the glutes on her...:drooling1: But that's not what it's about. See, she uses the pad thing, and though her form is pretty good, she is doing them wrong. She's bending at the waist instead of sitting back, partially because the pad leaves the weight too far forward. I want to let her know what I've noticed, recommend she ditch the pad, learn to carry the bar on her traps, and really focus on keeping her core tight and her self upright, widening her stance a bit if she has to.

But, it's poor etiquette, isn't it? Your thoughts, please. :)

Never. Unless you know her, or get to know her well enough that you know she trust your opinion, I wouldn't do it.....

I hate that, and it is one of the reasons why we have a home gym.....
my answer is a yes/no combo.

Wait for her outside the gymm and just as she gets to her car--- haha JK!

the pad- it is a form issue, not a pad issue. IF the lift hurts she will not do it. Whether resting that bar on you trap is good or not, is debateable.

Communication with her does not need to be verbal..... "hey, can i do one set real quick, you have the right amount of weight." and do one "properly"

wipe your sweat off the bar with a towel, and walk away

the less you talk the better

I have received lots of unsolicited advice at the gym, and I have appreciated it.

So, my answer is yes, give the advice, but be better than a "talker."

Sweat Daily!
Communication with her does not need to be verbal..... "hey, can i do one set real quick, you have the right amount of weight." and do one "properly"

wipe your sweat off the bar with a towel, and walk away

the less you talk the better

I have received lots of unsolicited advice at the gym, and I have appreciated it.

So, my answer is yes, give the advice, but be better than a "talker."

Sweat Daily!

Ooh, I like this. I had actually thought of it, but thing is, she squats on my hopping day. But you're absolutely right. I will man up and take a squat for the team, without saying a word. ;)

Edit: ^ Out of context material if I've ever seen it. :rofl:
Send me a 10lb bag of ON Whey, some waxy maize, and a new shaker and I will ship her off to you. Fed-Ex, of course.

That hardly seems fair. With shipping costs on that freight, you'd end up taking a loss to be rid of her... Oh.
i think you should tell her if her form is bad, only if you actually care about her AND if you have good form and know how to teach it.
i would.
there was a kid at my gym doing deadlifts with terrrrrrrible form...rounding his back horribly. i really didnt want him to hurt himself like I did in the past, because i knew how much injuries suck....so i was very sincere in telling and showing him correct form and i let him know i didnt want him to get hurt like i did once.
he fixed up his form and that was it.

hopefully she isnt too parynoid as to think your hitting on her or something, when your really just being a considerate, helpful person looking out for someone else.
I love that man.

I agree. (reference Steve). He is one good dude and VERY knowledgeable. (Stoutman81 on this forum).

He is one to seek advice from when you need it reference diet, nutrition, and aspects of training.

Best wishes

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My answer is dont say anything unless you reallllllly feel the need to. I personally dont like people talking me in the gym unless it is about something that relates to me.

I dont give any advice out because I frankly couldnt give a rats a$$ if someone in the gym hurts themself. Sounds pretty blunt but oh well. I like being a bystander and seeing stuff happen and watching the situation unfold while I contemplate it carefully.