Weight-Loss Unlimited amounts of fruit?



New member

I was just wondering if there is a limit on how much fruit I should eat a day? I know it has alot of sugar in it, but is it okay for me to just eat it as if it's completely free of cals?

How does this apply to bananas too cause I heard that you shouldn't eat too many bananas but they're my favorite fruit!

AND lastly, dried fruits with no added sugar?

Thanks for any advise you can offer!
I don't know if I'd say there's a specific limit. If you eat a lot of fruit, you should still add up all of the calories as part of your daily intake. It's just like any other food, eat too much and you'll get fat. Although most fruit does tend to be high in vitamins and pretty filling for the amount of calories you eat. Bananas have about 100 - 150 calories each, so they have a LOT less than any other desert that you would eat, if you ate just one. Have a couple for breakfast, that usually fills me up. Are you really going to get too many calories by eating just fruit? Probably not. It will most likely be all of the other stuff.
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I agree with everything the monster said. But here's my take.

Skip the dried fruit. They are loaded with sugar and sometimes added vegetable oil. Actually quite often - read the label on the back.

Are you trying to go on a fruit diet. If so its not a good idea. But if you are just eating to deal with your appetite instead of other types of food that's ok.

Try not to eat more than one banana a day. They have twice as many calories as other fruits.

Don't go with drinking fruit juice instead of eating it. You will end up consuming too many calories and have teeth problems. A whole piece of fruit is much more satisfying.

Eat a variety of fruit to get a variety of vitamins and minerals. Two pieces is the recommended amount but if you go over as a means to keeping your calories down its not bad. How much fruit do you want to eat and what else are you eating in your diet?

Maybe you can start a diary to put all that info in and track your weight loss?
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^ sounds good, 44. Yes, I would recommend that.
If you're not sure about what too much fruit is, record everything you eat for a day or more, record the calories, and post it all here, and THEN ask.
Well, i'm doing Weight Watchers.
Fruit is 0pp so technically you can eat as much as you like.
But if you eat too much, you wont lose.
so it's about eating to satisfy hunger rather than eating it because youre bored.

Bananas are the highest in calories so i only have one of those a day.

Raisins/other dried fruit have weight watchers points so i wouldn't count them as freeee. Eat a tablespoon or something on top of cereal or porridge..
I wouldn't eat anything as if it were free of calories... because it's not (or if it is- other than water- it's loaded up with chemicals). Most fruit is pretty low in calories (and dried fruit can be exceptionally high, so watch that), so you don't have to be "too" careful about it in terms of your calorie allowance, but don't go nuts.

The recommendation in Australia is to have 2 serves of fruit and 5 serves of vegetables a day, as vegetables aren't as sugary (better for you if you have diabetes or a risk of it). In the UK they say have 5 of any fruit or vegetable (which may include one 30g serving of dried fruit but no more, and one serve but no more of fruit juice) a day. I personally make sure I get to the UK one and aim for the Australian one (although I almost invariably have more fruit than that). A serve of regular fruit (in the UK, at least) is 80g.

And as Monster says, of anything, watch the bananas. They're relatively high calorie as fruit goes (although they're not high calorie). I'd recommend having a look at how many calories certain fruits and vegetables contain and planning your intake around that. With most you'll be pleasantly surprised with how low calorie they are (although as others have said, don't just eat fruit, you need other things in your diet as well).
Hi all! I'll do a group reply!

Firstly, i'm not on a fruit diet, it's purely going to be to satisfy my snack craving really, not even hunger.

Recently I have been eating a small cereal bowl with a mix of pinapple banana and strawberries for breakfast, and other than that, another banana before I work out...

I was mostly wondering about the banana's so i'll skip my breakfast banana and just have the pre-workout banana!

Also, the dried fruit. Only for the past few says have I been having about 50g of raisins (with no added sugars or other ingredients) once a day.

The main problem really is that recently I have been a bit of a sucker to snacking and i'm really trying to find ways of snacking but healthily and with less calories! So I guess i'll be picking up the veg's instead of the fruit from now on!

I would like to write up a diary but my eating is a bit all over the place at the moment, i've come to a bit of a halt the past few weeks! :(
If its snacking that's the trouble, then definitely fruit will get you through. And in fact if it is more satisfying than vegetables (but try it and see how you go) then do it. It will help you get your all-over-the-place eating under control.

Under the circumstances, i'd say leave out the dried fruit altogether and go with the fruit. Eat as much as you need to. Don't worry about it. It will just help you.

Although you say your eating is all over the place, i still recommend starting a diary. Just make sure you not for readers that things are not yet under control. I really suggest this because keeping a diary in itself will help you get it under control.

Too many people, it seems to me are afraid of posting what they are really doing or their slip ups. People need not be so self-conscious, we are anonymous. We all have slips and upsets. We've all eaten badly.

Well that's my take. I really find that having to report on everything helps you get the meals sorted. Another thing is if your diet meals are insufficient to satisfy, someone may spot it and help you identify how to improve your meals so that they are more satisfying.

But even if you still don't want to post a diary here, do it at home. The recording thing will still help you even if no one else is reading it. It will strengthen your resolve.
Thanks fortyfour, I'll really take the snacking point into consideration then! You've all been a real help, I really appreciate it!

Also, I think I will start a diary tomorrow then :) (too tired and need my bed!) :p

Thanks again!
Personally, I would love to eat more bananas, but I can only eat them when they are JUST RIGHT.... not green or bitter, and definately not brown and squishy. They have to be sweet and soft. Often this forces me to eat a whole bunch (6-8) in about 2 days. Which is okay, because I account for them in my diet, and I don't buy bananas more than once per week.
Fruit = Food
Food = Energy
Energy = Calories
Excess energy/calories = Stored energy
Stored energy = Fat

So to answer you question, no - you cannot eat unlimited fruit. Just like any type of food, check the calorie content so you can figure out how much you can eat.