Based on what I always hear people say, your supose to eat 5 means a day, but the way ive done it in the past seems most effective for my stomach.
2 years ago I went from 175 to 145 in about 8 months. Then I went from 160 to 152 in about 3 months. (took longer because I cheated a few times a month with fast food)
Im sure this is unhealthy and not the ideal way of doing it, but when it comes to me losing weight and getting flatter stomach I simply eat less.
Breakfast - bowl of cerial
lunch - sandwhich/cerial/eggs or salad
dinner - meat, salad, eggs, or whatever.
then ill eat strawberrys if I get hungry late at night before bed. I know people are going to say, not enough carbs, not enough protein, blah blah, this seems effective for me although maybe its not completely healthy. I know im mostly getting in only 3 meals rather than 5, but it seems like if i just eat breakfast lunch and dinner with breakfast and lunch being pretty small meals I can shed the weight.
2 years ago I went from 175 to 145 in about 8 months. Then I went from 160 to 152 in about 3 months. (took longer because I cheated a few times a month with fast food)
Im sure this is unhealthy and not the ideal way of doing it, but when it comes to me losing weight and getting flatter stomach I simply eat less.
Breakfast - bowl of cerial
lunch - sandwhich/cerial/eggs or salad
dinner - meat, salad, eggs, or whatever.
then ill eat strawberrys if I get hungry late at night before bed. I know people are going to say, not enough carbs, not enough protein, blah blah, this seems effective for me although maybe its not completely healthy. I know im mostly getting in only 3 meals rather than 5, but it seems like if i just eat breakfast lunch and dinner with breakfast and lunch being pretty small meals I can shed the weight.