Sport unhealthy, but effective?

Sport Fitness
Based on what I always hear people say, your supose to eat 5 means a day, but the way ive done it in the past seems most effective for my stomach.

2 years ago I went from 175 to 145 in about 8 months. Then I went from 160 to 152 in about 3 months. (took longer because I cheated a few times a month with fast food)

Im sure this is unhealthy and not the ideal way of doing it, but when it comes to me losing weight and getting flatter stomach I simply eat less.

Breakfast - bowl of cerial
lunch - sandwhich/cerial/eggs or salad
dinner - meat, salad, eggs, or whatever.

then ill eat strawberrys if I get hungry late at night before bed. I know people are going to say, not enough carbs, not enough protein, blah blah, this seems effective for me although maybe its not completely healthy. I know im mostly getting in only 3 meals rather than 5, but it seems like if i just eat breakfast lunch and dinner with breakfast and lunch being pretty small meals I can shed the weight.
You are horribly undereating.
Hi Dan,

LV has got the nail right on the head.. UNDEREATING. Of course you already know this.

Think of it this way. So eating less is making you lose weight, this is good. But imagine how much more effective it would be if you streamlined your diet?
By eating with such low frequency, your body will actually store more fat than it would if you were providing it with a constant supply of nutrients.
Your body knows that it is only being fed thrice daily, so it will hold on to more food as a result. Think of this as your body's built-in security system.
If you always have nutrients in your system, your body will naturally burn more and hold on to less.

So, like you are saying, this minimal eating thing might be working to a point, but i would strongly consider eating more frequently. Not necessarily more food, but perhaps spreading what you eat out into 5 meals (OR MORE)

Just because one thing works well, that does not mean there isn't more you can do to supercharge your progress.

Chances are with your lack of nutrition you are also losing a fair amount of LBM along with your fat. Your body requires amino acids and if it cannot get them from your food, its going to break down your muscle tissue. Your body cannot store protien the way it stores carbs/fat... So try to get some more protein in there, and more often.

Hope this helps.
Indeed very unhealthy. Most people who starve themselves don't have the proper knowledge, some even think its what they are supposed to do.

You have the knowledge, its not easy, its not a quick fix. Truth is their isnt a quick fix, you want to fill your tire with some fix a flat yeah it might last you don't the road a bit but at somepoint its going to give out. Point being you should have just bought a new tire. Point of this weird example, don't be lazy, work hard, and that where the true results lie. You starve yourself now and basically you are saying you don't care about your body, and don't want to work hard.
and you probably felt extra tired when on that crappy diet...
and you certainly lost a sizable amount of lean muscle mass, along with that fat.

in fact, I bet you're still a bit softer than you'd like...right?

So, have you even gotten anywhere? yes...but not as far as if you'd done it hte right way.
Now I'm going to disagree slightly. I mean, you're eating 3 meals a day, and they're not necessarily super tiny meals. Really, it's a sustainable diet. It's not ideal, but it will help you lose weight - and while you won't retain as much muscle as you would otherwise, it's true that it will help you lose body fat.

Just be sure the mix of what you're eating is providing enough of a good balance of nutrients you need (especially calcium and vitamin C) to support a healthy body. All undereating really means is malnutrition, but it's possible to get the nutrition you need without too much food -- unless you're trying to put on a lot of muscle.