Under Pronating Flat Feet?

I went to a website that says that flat feet cause over pronating which causes wear of the shoes on the inner part of the shoe. I have a very low arch, almost flat, but my shoes are all worn on the outer edges of the shoe which would indicate under pronating. Could this be, or do I have it backwards.
Well, I tend to over pronate - or at least I did a year ago. I really should go back and have it checked again. When you say the "outter" part of the shoe, is that the front (toe) or back (heel) of the shoe? Because my understanding of pronate is that you start on the outter side of the back and roll to the inner side of the toe. I got a different type of shoe and it helped me out tremendously (running was PAINFUL before the new shoes). Are you having any problems that you think shoes might be the cause of? And have you gone to a true running store to see what they say?