ok, say i workout about 3pm. then eat of course. eat huge, lots of chicken breasts. i plan on leaving my house (where i workout) about 6-7pm, and i know im not gonna be around food from that point on till i get back home to sleep, which will be late in the night, 1-2-3 in the morning. about 8-9 hours. could i just eat a tub of cottage cheese? so it stays with me. then when i get home, eat some more cottage cheese for when i sleep....might sound pretty crazy but... i really hate missing my workout, cause like right now as i type this, i just cant wait to hit the weights tomorrow, caause i just got my creatine, and i want to increase my weight, and increase my reps....oooo i im getting excite just thinking about it. but, if i would be better off not working out, then....