Weight-Loss Umm this surely can't be right???



New member
I signed up for fitday.com to see how many calories I was burning on a daily basis to see how much I should be eating... it reckons 2500 on a normal day and 2900 on a gym day????? Surely that can't be right?? Does that mean I should be eating 2000 calories to lose about 1/2 a kg per week? Just seems like a lot more than I was expecting :-/
I'm just gonna jump right in and say it. I don't think anyone on this forum can you an answer unless you provide them with some more information about yourself.
just make sure you make your activity level what it really is... if you set it as really active to begin with, then start adding in all the times you work out then it might not be to acurate....
I like to change mine first thing in the morning to 24 hours of sitting and watching tv... then as I do things during the day I ad them in, I feel it more acurate that way
I'm just gonna jump right in and say it. I don't think anyone on this forum can you an answer unless you provide them with some more information about yourself.

Sorry...! I'm 22, 5'7, I weigh 70kgs. I walk to work and back 5-6 days a week which is a little over 6kms (3kms each way) and takes me 1 hr, and I go to the gym 3-4 times a week.
I actually selected the "Seated with some movement" for my regular daily activity to balance it a bit as on my day(s) off sometimes I don't do much apart from either going to the gym or walking and then I have a lazy day... but on my work days I work in a cafe so on my feet all the time and never really standing still. So I guess if I put myself down for the more active lifestyle it would say I need to eat even more :-/
Surely that can't be right why? What number did you expect? Why did you expect that number?

I'm not trying to be bitchy here, but trying to get you to think critically. Why do you think the number should be lower?

People do this all the time and it makes no sense. It's like saying a compact car and an SUV should run on the same amount of gas. :)
I guess that's maybe why I thought it would've been lower- there's so many people out there taller/heavier etc than me, and they are exercising so much more than me and eating so much less. It just kind of shocked me seeing that much I guess!
I know this is an old post but I've been trying to find some answers on this very same thing, I have a sight where you put in eveyrhting from how long you drive every day, how many minutes you wash dishes, sleep, watch tv, EVERYTHING and mine is a little over 3,000 . I too don't think this sounds right because If I burned that many calories a day and am only eating 1,200 calories a day I should be losing like 4 pounds a week and that's with no excercise,... I don't know if we really burn that many a day doing normal activities or not but that's what I keep getting too...
What site are you using? Can you give a little more information on how tall you are, how much you weigh, etc.?