Uhm wtf can someone help me out

What does creatin do exactly? How much does it usally cost? Can you buy it at wal-mart? Is it ok to use, bascially will it hurt me in the long run? Is it the same thing as a protien mix, whats the difference between a protien mix and creatine?
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How does creatine work?

To understand how creatine works, it's important to know a little about where your body gets its energy from. Just like different countries throughout the world use different forms of currency, your body has its own energy currency. Known as adenosine triphosphate (or ATP for short), it provides energy for every move you make and every chemical reaction that occurs in your body.

ATP is constantly broken down and "re-created". Energy is released when one of the phosphates that form ATP is "broken off". During high-intensity exercise (such as a 60-meter sprint), the stores of ATP are depleted rapidly, and a quick method of reattaching the phosphate is required.

That's where creatine comes in. When your body stores creatine, some of it is attached to a phosphate group. Whenever ATP "loses" a phosphate, creatine "donates" one of its own to support the resynthesis of ATP.

The fatigue you experience during short bouts of high-intensity exercise (such as a 60-meter sprint) is linked with an inability of muscle to maintain a high rate of ATP resynthesis from creatine phosphate. In other words, if ATP is broken down more quickly than it can be resynthesized, you'll run out of energy.

Creatine supplementation increases the levels of creatine in muscle. Short-term creatine supplementation (15-30 grams per day for 5-7 days) increases total creatine stores by 15-30% and creatine phosphate levels by 10-40%.

you can find 1000 gram containers online for roughly 20 dollars and yes i do believe you can buy it at walmart. i believe they have the eas brand.

studies up to this point in time have shown no adverse affects.
same time, post workout, and don't mix it up until you're ready to drink it. the longer creatine sits mixed in liquid, the more it converts to creatinine, which is useless.
I usally run half a mile, then I weight lift for an hour (work out everything), So when Im done working out, I should automatically drink the protien drink and take a creatine pill?
Yes. A half mile must just be a little warmup?

And creatine pills...did you go waste money on Kre-alkalyn or some other crap?
Pills are a rip off because they charge you an arm and a leg to put them in capsules. If you bought CEE or Kre-Alkalyn you got further ripped off by their marketing hype.

When you run out, go to atlargenutrition.com and buy their plain creatine monohydrate, 500 grams (100 servings) for $15.
Eh well I bought weiders creatine capsules, And I got wheys protien powder, it says to use 1 scoop for 8 fl oz, gunna use milk. Is it ok to add the weiders creatine capsules into the protien mix, 7 capsules for 1-2 cups 8-16 fl oz. Is it ok to add the 7 capsules to the wheys protien
yeah, the capsules are just gel caps around creatine powder. again, next time buy creatine monohydrate in pure powder form and you just need 1 heaping teaspoon added to your shake. Swallowing 7 pills, or opening 7 and dumping into your shake is just plain annoying.
But, if you're very 'on the go' and don't have a way to carry a scoop of creatine w/ you...well that's who those pills are made for.