Sport Uhg...

Sport Fitness
Ok.....I work really hard on my body , i weightlift everyday mon-fri then at night i do cardio or basketball at the ymca... i would like to drop some pounds but i have an "addiction". Im in love with fast im trying to stop but everytime i have some money i always go out with friends and stuff. I was wondering how you guys stopped ( if you had to ). I feel guilty everytime i do it i always think man there goes my days workout...I eat pretty healthy for breakfast and lunch...oatmeal and always water or propel..but after my night workout i just have a any advice would help alot...thanks!
Plain old fashion willpower bro, you gotta be stronger than the craving. Thats easy for me to say, because Im a stubborn a**, but thats what it takes.

Not much advice I can give you there. Try to remember that there are better choices out there, and busting your a** is more important than that big mac.

Good luck, I hope you can kick that habit.
ppl set goals and fast food wont help them in reaching those goals. moderation is key. every now and then is fine. a couple times a week is too much

its gonna come down to what you want more: results or fast food
make sure you are eating enough complex carbs during the rest of the day. some studies have shown a link to low blood sugar late in the day due to low carb intake the rest of the day, leading to late evening/night time binge eating, especially carbs.

and the other half of the equation is willpower. try taking a photo of yourself in your underware, and post it on the fridge. Look at it every day, every meal if you can, and remind yourself 'this is why I'm not eating fast food today'.
I went to having Taco Hell 4-5 nights a week to having none. Right now its the only thing I miss bad. But I still wont even eat it on my cheat day. I know that if I do, I jump back into my old ways. Heck, I could spend 8-10$ during a drive through visit.

My buddy at work will chomp down a pizza or ribs or something and say, " Boy, i bet you want some of this" ...... Nope, not at all, and it dosen't bother me at all. Well, the other night he got Taco Bell and I HAD to get up and walk away :mad: :mad:

I Love Taco Bell But Hate it Even More!!!!
Ok, we all know that fast food is generally pretty horrible for you, but there ARE healthier options if you are eating out.

Like salads (offered at most fast food places) with lo-cal dressings or a plain burger with ketchup or mustard (instead of a Biggie Sized Super Double Big Mac).

Subway has numerous healthy options or a Wendy's side dinner salad and cup of chili or a baked potato (without all the crap on it). I thik it's Wendy's that now has the side options so you don't automatically get the killer fries.

ALSO, ask to see the nutritional value labels. Nothing like the facts in black and white to sober you up to realize that your last three workouts are being traded for a greasy burger covered in crap. :)