Ugly Nose

Sup, Im 17 and a Junior. I think im ok looking body wise but the one thing i hate is my nose. Its bid and has a bump on it. I never noticed it untill some jerk guy mentioned it a few weeks ago and ever since then ive been so not confident and so down latly cause i think it is an ugly nose. How bad will an ugly nose affect what ppl especially girls think of me :(? Thannks
Yes because a girl doesn't care about the rest of your body, your mind or personality, or anything else. The nose decides it all.

You are doomed
don't worry about it, especially if you've never thought about it before. there will always be haters! but, i understand where you coming from. one time there was guy who told me that my nose was big and i've never forgot it. meanwhile, whenever i mention it to people, they think i'm completely insane. my bf actually gets annoyed when i mention it because it's so absurd to him. and the guy who said it to me was one of those people who put others down due to his own insecurities (i found that out a little too late :mad:)

and, whether or not someone is attractive isn't dependent on one factor or facial feature. it's the overall face and i'm pretty sure that it's been proven by psychological studies. also, a perfectly symmetrical face hasn't been found to be necessarily attractive either. but anyway, if you look at anyone's face, you could probably find some flaw, imperfection or some asymmetries. i actually think that unique features are interesting and a lot of the time, really attractive.
besides, you shouldnt really make so much of what people tell you... iv been told on different occasions by different people that i look mexican, brazillian, azn, middle eastern, and even persian....yet i am dutch/chilean.

the guy just got you thinking negatively about your nose...i bet theres probably nothing notacablty wrong with it-you said it yourself, you didnt notice it until now
Agreed! My nose isn't perfectly straight. It has a little bump on it, but it adds character to me. My nose also isn't symmetrical, I have a deviated septum, so one nostrill is a little narrower than the other. I'm still very attractive though.


This used to be my avatar picture until I got the chicken. I'm thinking of changing it back.

Anyway, I don't have the straight rhinoplastified nose that everyone seems to believe is the ideal, but I still look pretty. Right?
don't touch that chicken! that chicken is hot. :luxlove:

and yes, i think you are pretty! although, i gotta admit, i can't see the problem with your nostrils or the so-called bump! hehe... :confused:
Yeah, you need more of a profile shot to see it. But the point is, it's so small that it's hardly noticeable. If you saw me from the side, you could tell that the bridge of my nose is not perfectly straight.
Agreed! My nose isn't perfectly straight. It has a little bump on it, but it adds character to me. My nose also isn't symmetrical, I have a deviated septum, so one nostrill is a little narrower than the other. I'm still very attractive though.


This used to be my avatar picture until I got the chicken. I'm thinking of changing it back.

Anyway, I don't have the straight rhinoplastified nose that everyone seems to believe is the ideal, but I still look pretty. Right?

Hey baby hey baby hey...
I can't really see your nose in your small avatar pic, but it doesn't look too ghastly horrible. Owen Wilson, the US actor, has a nose that is more crooked than my border collie's rear leg from a childhood accident and he refuses to "correct" it because it helps define him. You can learn from brother Owen.
I'm in the same boat as you, original poster.

However, when Iw as in HS, my body was pathetic. It was even worse when I kept my hair short...All I was was a walking nose.

I'm much sexier now(not said out of vanity, but by observation of how the opposite sex treats me), with a much improved body, a full head of hair, and most importantly, the way I carry myself...physically and mentally. Confidence and the ability to spit game is like 80%+ of the battle.

So what's the moral? If your personality is attractive (confident, humorous) you'll net women just the same as if you were a good looking jerk. (maybe)

Being out of high school helped me a great deal as well. You change, the women you meet's all mostly for the better.


Oh yeah, and squatting/deadlifting, doing good mornings has helped me a great deal. The hormone release I've recieved has made my jaw bigger and thicker, taking some of the emphasis off my nose. Hahahahaha

The ultimate moral is...if you really thinka bout this stuff-- you can't change any of this **** about you. Just do your own thing, and be your own person. Or let this stuff get you down for a while like it did me...when you come out of it you'll be singing the same song I am now.
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Mate we all come in different shapes and sizes. Unfortunately for some of us for example me our noses arent the best.

Mines been broken a total of 8 times now and I will need surgery at some stage. Dont break it and itl be sweet as. Girls like the rugged look any way.