Ugh, How do you stop eating if you never feel full?


New member
Ok so
I have this problm and it is really making me feel guilty. Like the first few weeks I was really motivated and doing great.
Now tthese last few days have been horrible. I still am having old eating to much diffaculties.

I really try to measure if Im full hungry or not. but now it just seems Im nuetral all of the time and never satified. For example. I had a bowl of cereal. Still wanted food, so I have some All bran. and then I was finally full. How do you make yourself not want food? I have diet pills that help, I havent been taking them though so that might be why Im not eating good.

Maybe Im just bored, because Im alone all weeek. But I could really use some advice/ personal stories. Im like killing myself here UGH. Another thing..I really want to SEE results. Im sick of doing all this crap and then feeling like Im always gonna be a fat lard :(
slow down when you eat - i've read that the brain takes a certain amount of tim to register that it's full.. so slowing down will help that...

One thing I'm trying to do - and i could seriously be a medal holder if speed eating were an olympic event - is putting my fork down between bites and taking a sip of water... it helps a lot.

Using smaller plates is anothr mind game i'm playing with myself thatmakes a difference.

stop using the term fat lard to describe yourself - negativity only leads to more negativity - find the postitives about what you're doing.

there's a book that i'm sure the experts will laugh at -but while the "diet Plan" was pure idiocy - the ideas they suggest or lifestyle changes they suggest - are common sense -the book was french women don't get fat -and somewhere on this forum i have a thread that talks about the lifestyle changes and l ot of it had to do with treating ameal like it's a special event - no distractions - and savoring the food
A couple things.....

Hi there,

Sorry to hear you are having difficulties. I picked up on 2 things that I noticed in your post.

First and foremost, you are a bored eater. Join the club. There are millions of us out there that eat to fill an emotional void regardless of our bellies. That is likely going to be your hardest challenge. Some people eat when they are depressed, some when bored, others because they are lonely. This is very common and difficult to fight. What I did, like so many others here, is start a journal. Write down, either privately or here on the group, exactly what you are feeling when you are bored and you catch yourself overeating. For me it took making a blog and starting posting a diary here. It gave me two things. 1- something to do so I wasnt so bored that was not only interesting, but extremely helpful. I could literally read this site for days... 2- it gave me accountability. I didnt want a record of my mistakes, and especially not a public one, so I became more accountable to myself over my decisions. You are not alone and you will see you have friends here who can help. Another thing that has helped me tremendously is using that bored time to do something creative or positive, like exercise. If I have time enough to sit around and eat when I am not hungry, I have time to do 20 minutes of yoga, or 50 pushups or a walk around the block 5 times. The key is to keep your mind active so your stomach and lips dont go wandering.

Another thing I noticed is you said you stopped taking diet pills recently. That could be a huge part of the hunger, if it is not a normal occurence. Your body may have been accustomed to having that little appetite suppresant keeping your hunger at bay, and now that its gone, you body is struggling until it gets used to not having the outside assistance. That works the same for anything of that nature. I have no idea what kind of diet pill you were taking, but many are literally cafeine and/or amphetamines and yes, they are addictive. I have known too many people who have taken them too long and suffered terrible hardship when quitting. Now even if it was simply a natural supplement of some sort, your body could just be adjusting to not having that little helper around. To be honest, you are likely best off without them.

But you have made the right first step by coming here and looking for help. WLF is probably the most dynamic and exciting weapon i have in my weight loss arsenal. If you want my heartfelt advice, use it often and frequently and you will find the help you need.

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Sirant gave some great advice. It also appears to me that you're a "bored eater." It is something you'll need to work through but theres no reason analyzing the reasons why food helps your boredom, it's simply a stimulus like anything else. If you're lonely make friends at the gym or the park as you're working out, get involved with maybe a company sport team on the weekend, etc.

You can't eat if you're taking a walk around your block, or if you already have exercise time set up each day you can maybe skip that and go for hobbies that use your hands or keep you active. Try learning or practicing piano, guitar, learn to paint, etc. I think if you try to watch tv or read a book you'll probably get sucked into snacking along with that.

Personally I found hot tea, hot coffee, or cold water helped curb my hunger during the beginning of my diet because it created an internal feeling. I felt the heat or cold rather than hunger. Watch the caffeine intake if you try this though.

Also like the others mentioned, if you don't already, eat slower. You're eating less food so try and enjoy each bite a little more. Once you get your portions under control and begin eating healthier, the shame that comes with feeling heavy and eating goes away because you know what you're ingesting is good for your body.
Ahhhh yes!! Good Point KissMyHuman!!

I forogt about tea!!!

I had a VERY hard time controlling eating myself in the past. I was a hardcore night time eater for years. Where as some here can eat at night with no problem, it caused so much grief for me. I won't go into details about it, but I was almost in tears trying to keep myself from stuffing my face late at night. Then I started drinking hot tea when I would get those feelings! And it worked! Slowly sipping on a nice cup of hot tea did the trick for me. Kept my hands and mouth busy and it wasn't something I could "wolf down"

Great suggestion KissMyHuman!

This may seem silly, but I have recently been learning to eat with chopsticks. You'd be surprised how much slower you eat when you're concentrating on getting something to balance or fit neatly in them. ;) It's not terribly hard to get food with them, it's just hard to get large bites - so you end up eating a lot slower.

I've actually have a fun time doing this. However other people may think it's odd, depending on what you're eating. ;)
fiber and potassium both have filling qualities about them..
stay away from fried foods and dairy.. they leave you wanting more.
protein always hit the spot.. grill some tilapia with some asparagus and multigrain rice ... fiber.. protein.. and veggies.. very good meal :)

p.s. dont eat to much rice.. (full of carbs)
"because Im alone all week"

Is there some way you could get company during the week? If you're busy talking with friends, actually even if it's only online, it might help to take your mind off food a little.

If you never feel full it's possible that it's an emotional emptiness that you're trying to deal with and that takes a lot of filling.

The other advice was good to, about slowing down, putting your fork down in between mouthfuls. I love the idea of using chopsticks!
Hi, Im 24 years old woman.
Im in my last year bachelor studies. I weight almost 372 pounds (170 kg).
I need to lose more than 240 pounds (100 kg).
I'm desperate, cause i need to lose these weight and need to finish school.
I have a lot of cravings when im studying, but these last month i cant neither study or exercise. Cause i dont have enough time to exercise because of school, but i cannot stydy because im depressed about my weight.

Can someone give me a diet plan and some diet pills that will work with me?


To keep myself from eating because im bored i tend to carry around alot of gum. You can get the sticks of gum that are <5 calories so chew as much as you want :)

At least thats how I handle it.
Ok so
I have this problm and it is really making me feel guilty. Like the first few weeks I was really motivated and doing great.
Now tthese last few days have been horrible. I still am having old eating to much diffaculties.

I really try to measure if Im full hungry or not. but now it just seems Im nuetral all of the time and never satified. For example. I had a bowl of cereal. Still wanted food, so I have some All bran. and then I was finally full. How do you make yourself not want food? I have diet pills that help, I havent been taking them though so that might be why Im not eating good.

Maybe Im just bored, because Im alone all weeek. But I could really use some advice/ personal stories. Im like killing myself here UGH. Another thing..I really want to SEE results. Im sick of doing all this crap and then feeling like Im always gonna be a fat lard :(


First, what many of the posters here suggested - boredom eating - is a good guess, but I am disappointed by the fact that nobody suggested a possible medical condition. Having the inability to feel full all the time is not normal and can sometimes be more than "emotional."

I highly recommend you schedule an appointment with your doctor, preferably one that has experience with GI and hormone disorders. Explain to him/her that you have a constant feeling of not being full.

I have to ask, too: after you eat, how soon do you defecate? Do you have a feeling that the food "passes straight through?" Do you have watery stools? Loose?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, I think that points even moreso in the direction of seeing your doctor about your circumstance. Do not be afraid to "admit" your bowel habits. Any information you can give to your doctor will increase your chance to receive proper treatment, if indicated.
I havent had this problem now. But before, I did once! I was eating a huge bowl of pop corn and couldnt stop! put it in the kitchen table and went to eat again! then I just, threw it. And no more eating! hahaha! I know its insane, but it was the only way to get rid of it.
I can't believe no one here is looking at _what_ she is eating. A bowl of cereal is high GI. Of course she is going to still feel hungry after. It goes right through you..

Rather than focus on hocus pocus advice like eat with chopsticks or whatever else is suggested, why not actually look at what you're eating with them. One person above me nailed it. Stop with the simple carbs (most breakfast foods) and start with the slow digesting complex and filling foods. Seriously try and stay hungry eating 1500 calroies of lean meats, fish and veggies a day. You'll eat till you're ready to explode trying to get enough calories in to hit goal. It might take a lil willpower to toss out everything bad for you and just have the staples on hand, but feeling hungry should be the least of your problems with a few healthy changes in your diet.

so i'm not guilty of doing the same and not giving real advice, change cereal with vegetables. Seriously load up on it. If you're familiar with the GI index, exchange a lot of the higher based foods out for lower ones. And increase protein consumption and probably fat consumption as well.. I find a lot of "healthy" diets people think they are eating are very short on those macros. A typical healthy cutting diet should be 40-50% carbs, 20-30% protein and 20-30% fats. But ya, in terms of calories, 10 cups of brocolli for example is 300 calories only. Seriously try and be hungry after eating that much. You'll be stuffed. Also drink a glass of water with every mean. Hell, drink two. A lot of times thirst is mistaken for hunger. So that possibly could also help.
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Try having a glass of water before you have a meal, this should do the trick.

I love the idea of using chopsticks, might try that one myself. Thanks!
I tend to be a "bored eater" too. I've never had emotional problems with food, just that I'm lazy and bored a lot.

I'm bored most when I'm home from college, as I'm used to the city now and going from the big city to the country is a big change and leaves you feeling bored. I usually get permission from my mom and dad to take the car and drive around if I'm feeling lonely and stir crazy. I usually go on a 45 minute drive, or I stay at home and play with my cat, or take a shower, or read, or something to keep myself occupied!

Find things you love doing and do them when you are feeling an urge to eat.
While i agree with some of the other great advice on this thread, the OP found the main solution.

Anyway this is a very old thread. I guess its got some relevance to today's readers but probably not to Amy.

Oh, i also eat a lot of shit out of boredom too. So staying busy, finding interesting things to do, will definitely deal with a lot of overeating.