Type 1 Diabetics


Im a type 1 diabetic and im well into my fitness but im currently correcting what mistakes I made at a younger age (junk food :()

Ive been a type 1 diabetic for 3 years now and im 17 years old comming up 18 in August. Im just wondering are there any other type 1 diabetics on the forum in which I could talk to about fitness?

That totally sucks dude. At least you're making progress, so that is way better than what a lot of other people in similar situations are doing. I think in a year you could really pay it off though. We're always around the forum, so if you just want to talk about it shoot a topic out. I suck at PM's, though a lot of other people are better at that.
Thanks matey.

Ive been lifting for 18 months but never had the correct diet. Im currently on a cut but staying the same weight but im doing alot of weights and soon to be bringing cardio back :) Im also going to look for a low carb diet to bring my insulin dosage down making it alittle easier to loose weight :)
Awesome. Sounds like you're on the right track. Have you been keeping a journal here on the site? That might help since some people only view those to help people out.

Hopefully someone going through the same problems as you is going to post soon.
Will do. I need to buy a bigger note book aswell so I can write down my sugar levels before each meal/bed and what I eat so I can calculate the calories :)
depends on what my blood sugar levels are usually around 5-8 b4 breakfast around the same at lunch time and dinner depends what im having.
If im high through out the day i usually give myself around 2-4 or if im having a snack although sometimes i just go low or high for no reason.

u would probably need more becouse im only 160lb
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depends on what my blood sugar levels are usually around 5-8 b4 breakfast around the same at lunch time and dinner depends what im having.
If im high through out the day i usually give myself around 2-4 or if im having a snack although sometimes i just go low or high for no reason.

u would probably need more becouse im only 160lb

Yer. Some meals I have to have 20 units :( Just for 1 can of beans on 3 pieces of bread :(
Yer. Some meals I have to have 20 units :( Just for 1 can of beans on 3 pieces of bread :(

Ditch the bread. It's a crappy carb source. In fact, ditch every starch you're eating. It's a total waste of carbs. Three pieces of bread, depending on the bread, can total 50-75gms of carbs. That's insane.

Don't eat bread, rice or potatoes if you want to get more bang for your carb buck. There are far better carbs out there for you.

Most days, I only inject 5 units of insulin (not counting the 3-5 units of Lantus). My ratio is about 1 unit/20-25gms carbs. I'm ~150lbs.
Ahhh oki :)

What foods would be ideal then? Are yoghurts ok for a breakfast? (muller light i think they are). Whatwould be ideal for dinner?
Eat raw fruits and raw vegetables (or lightly steamed) -- mostly because of the fibre content.

If your yogurt has fruit in it already, it will be way too high in carbs because they will be adding fructose or other sugars to make it more palatable to the general public. Buy plain yogurt and add the fruit yourself. That way you have total control over how much you're getting. NOTE: The higher the fat content of the yogurt, the lower the carb count.

Cottage cheese is also good. You can add fruit to that (I love nectarines in my cottage cheese), and to me, it tastes just like candy :)

Dinner? Meat, veggies.

Any time you have a snack, add some protein.

My thinking is the more insulin you have to inject, the tougher it's going to be to lose weight. Obviously we need to stabilize our blood sugars, but the lower number of carbs you eat, the better it is for you. If you try to eat 100-125gms of non-starchy carbs per day, you'll feel a lot better ;)