two week Diet and exercise plan wanted


New member

Im an 18yr old female, about 5.6ft, and about 133pounds. I have always been very athletic at school, but Since leaving and now working in an office I have not been exercising, I have noticed I am untoned and have put on weight, also on my face.

I have always eat any type of food I want when-ever and how much, without putting on any weight, but now its a case of " a moment on the lips = a lifetime on the hips" lol ..

My aim is to loose a few pounds, tone up and condition my body :eek:)
Today, i have had a glass of water and a Turkey salad.

Is there a simple yet effective exercise plan/routine I can try? (except running/jogging, we have really bad weather!)

Also, a simple healthy food plan, that you have tryed and its worked for you? ..

Can Anyone Help????
Spend some time reading the stickied threads around the forum

Start in nutrition, then go to On topic and exercise.

The answers to your questions are there...