Two gym memberships?

So I've had a heck of a time this year making it to the gym at all. My wife changed gyms so we don't go together...that's definitely hurting both of us.

I belong to a Gold's Gym that's sorta slipped in quality, mostly due to too many members, not enuf parking, not enuf equipment...for the times I wanna go. Opens at 7am, closes at 11pm.

She goes to one of those 24 hour joints that's usually not staffed, smart-key entry, fully video-taped, yada yada. I pay like $30 for Gold's and could get a membership at her gym for like $20. I don't have a gold's contract so I can cancel that whenever, but would have a year contract at the new place, which has 2 locations at least.

Am I crazy?


Well my wife just said she doesn't like her gym and was gonna go back to Gold's.
So...never mind, although we could still discuss the merits of doing this if anyone has any comments.
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I have two memberships as well. One's at the rec center and the other at the gym by my work. I use both places regularity. I spend like 30 dollars a month at this other gym and about 60 dollars per year at the rec.

Perhaps you should go hang out with your wife. Also, it might be a good break from time to time.
I have two memberships and it's came in handy a couple of times.

I have one that the YMCA and another at one of those 24 hour places.

The YMCA has all the equipment for building muscle... almost everyone in the weight room is in there to build muscle. At the anytime fitness place it's almost exclusively a fat loss gym.... lots of eliptical machines and etc... but there is no squat rack, no full barbells, no bench press... just the general machine circuit, some dumbells, and some short barbells..... oh ya, and 2 smiths..

The Y is only open limited hours, specially on the weekends... so I sometimes get some workouts done at the anytime place during the weekends... the only workout I can fully do with their equipment is arm day pretty much though... ha.

I only have the anytime fitness membership because a person I know works there and gets me a membership for free.