Weight-Loss Tweaking My Diet


The RattleSnake

New member
Hey guys! I posted my diet up before and you guys said it sucked. So, here is another diet that I made.

For those of you who don't know me:

I am a boy - 14 years old, 165 pounds, and about 6 feet tall.

I am a vegetarian!!! - I don't eat meat, fish, chicken, whole eggs, ect. I do drink milk and eat beans and that sort of stuff.

Anyway, here is my meal/exercise plan.


1 cup of Honey Nut Cheerios
1/2 cup skim milk

Morning Snack:

2 bars (1 package) of Natural Valley granola bars


1 cup of fried vegetables
2-3 rotis (thin wheat tortillas)
1 cup of Honey Nut Cheerios
1 small container of fat-free yogurt

This meal stays!!! I am Indian and I HAVE to eat my mom's Indian cooking at least once a day. I CANNOT tell her to make something else instead. I have to keep my heritage and blahblahblah. So, PLEASE don't tell me change my lunch meal - I CANNOT!!! Thank you!


30-40 minutes of outside bike riding

I DO NOT have a gym membership. With finals coming up in schools and the gym being 40 minutes away - I cannot get a membership

Afternoon snack:

1 apple or orange


1 cup of skim milk

What do you guys think?
2 bars (1 package) of Natural Valley granola bars

those contain high fructose corn syrup an ingredient youo shoudl try to avoid - there are other bars that do not have that ingredient so it's a matter of reading labels

1 cup of skim milk is not dinner...

6 feet tall and 165lbs at your age, is not overweight... you are still growing and want to get a lot of nutrition into you - I would concentrate more on working out rather than cutting back calories
hhhmmm...what is your goal? 165 pounds at 6 feet tall is not overweight. Be very careful. As "maleficent" pointed out...you need to be concerned about nutrition. What kind of build do you have? With your diet it will be very difficult to build any kind of muscle. Your body needs as much protein as it can get to keep from burning muscle for fuel. A glass of skim milk and some veggies is not the way to go. Do some research online about different body types, proper diets/nutrition depending on your goal, types of exercise, etc. You might want to search for "body for life". They have some good recipes and workout info. Good luck.
I went off meat for a while, and I know its really tough to find good protein. You can get a lot of healthy meals out of "fake meat" tofu products (there are some good ones out there that don't taste like a dirty sponge).
For exercise you can always do walks around your neighborhood, which may be a little more beneficial than biking, and then theres always weights. (Im in the same situation with school and finding ways to exercise and walking was really convenient and beneficial for me)
Beans and tofu are both great options for vegetarians. And there's lots of healthier Indian options that incorporate these ingredients. But no, a cup of skim milk is NOT a dinner, especially when you're young enough to still be growing and developing.
I'd change the breakfast to something with less sugar and less processed. Oatmeal is a wonderful choice, or something like weetbix would also be better.

The morning snack could change too.. if you really like having a bar why not have one bar and a piece of fruit. There is no need to have two. And if you can-find a healthier bar. Or better yet- replace the bar with some raw nuts.

As everyone has said- milk is not dinner. It seems like you have your dinner meal for lunch- which is fine, that is how we did it when I lived in Europe. So make yourself a lunch type meal at dinner time.

As mentioned by somebody above- your weight seems fine for you height. I def don't think you should be cutting any calories, just make sure you are getting enough 'good' calories. You're still growing afterall, this is when you really need them.

And keep active