Sport Tweaking my diet, spicing things up

Sport Fitness
My daily nutrition: (BULKING)

9:00 : 4 whole wheat slices, 100 grams of water packed canned tuna
10:30 : WORKOUT , PWM: N-large gainer shake 600 cals
12:30 : 100 gr brown rice, 100 gr chicken breast, lettuce and/or tomatoes
15:00: 2,3 tangerines and an apple
16:30 : SAME AS 12:00
18:30 : SAME AS 12:00
21:00 : SAME AS 12:00
23:30 : SAME AS 12:00
24:00 : 2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil

Around 4500 Calories, 55c/25p/20f

Although 4500 may seem a little high, I'm a hard-gainer, when you look-up hardgainer in the dictionary there's my picture on it. With trial and error I found that 4500 cals work well for me. (i'm 6'1 176)

I don't go crazy on the fiber because I have some horrific side-effects from them.

What do you think about eating the same meal over and over throughout the day?

I cannot cook different meals all day, and I have a job,so I just get 500 grams of rice and around 500 of chicken breast, boil it all together in the morning , add some veggies, pack it up, carry it with me, and eat it all day.

I'm eating healthy, and healthy foods aren't really packed with calories, could you give me some suggestions how can I get some significant healthy calories without stuffing myself like crazy all day .

The diet is pretty much the same throughout the whole week, If I don't feel like eating rice I buy 500 grams of pasta, and If don't feel like eating chicken breasts I'm getting some fish. I really need to spice things up, give me some suggestions
I cook a bunch of meals for half the week. nuttin wrong with a lot of brown rice on a bulk.
I would really increase the veggies though. you NEED fiber to keep all that food moving. ramp up fiber a few grams every other day til you're in the 25-35g range, and make it as even as possible throughout the day.
that'll avoid most of the unpleasantness of suddenly eating that much fiber, and you'll be able to time your bathroom breaks...being regular has its benefits.