Tryout worries! Help.

Today (acting of a impulse) I signed up for the track team and my "test" is over the next two days. If I don't "pass" I get kicked out. Sucks, eh?

Well, I'd prefer to pass! So, I wanted to ask the pros... You guys and gals! I'll be sprinting and running about the distance of a football field for one hour, and need some advice. My main goal is to keep going (non-walking) toward the finish line.

I really need to impress my coach and would like any advice anyone can give me. My confidence isn't too high right now. -_-

PS: I've never run track before, but have taken karate so I'm using karate
training. Mostly weighted jump rope and mild running with some warm-ups and a weird combination of dancing. Lol.

Anyway, I really would like at least one or two replies by tomorrow (and before my first try-out session.) so PLEASE don't be shy.

Thanks a bunch,

If you are asking what you need to do to prepare for the test in 2 days, the answer is to rest and eat lots of complex carbs and water. Let yourself fully recover. Any physical activity you do over the next couple of days will only sap your energy reserves and hurt your performance in the test. A couple of hours before the test, have a hearty meal. Make sure you give it a couple hours to digest though.
got in...

Well, they are letting me run but I am SOOOO slow. I can't even JOG the 400 meter... I'd love some advice. I'm going to post a new thred about it.

Anyhow, thank you for your replies. They mean bunches to everyone you send them to.

With thanks,
