Trying to move forward

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Hello everyone! Lately I've been feeling stuck. Although I am eating clean and exercising 5 days a week, I feel like there is no significant change. I've lost about 95 pounds now but the last 30 that I want is so hard to eliminate! I don't know what to do because I really want to get to my goal as soon as possible. I know I shouldn't be impatient, but since I'm so close to my goal, I just want to get there you know? I've been obese for most of my life and will always have this big girl mentality. Is that what is holding me back? Are there any tips?

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First off lynki, massive congratulations on what you have already lost! That is an amazing amount to lose and you should be insanely proud of that ?? As for the last 30lbs, it is annoying when it comes to a plateau like that. I think maybe if you put slightly less pressure on yourself to lose it, you will follow all the healthy habits you have been doing and relax a bit more, you will take it off.
I mainly wanted to say congratulations and you will def drop that last 30lbs, if you've got this far, you definitely have the power to bring it further! ??
You got this!

You've already proven that you can lose weight which 99% of people struggle just to start the process.

Stay strong and relaxed, mentally.

Don't let your mind defeat you.

The last 30 wont be the easiest but it will be the most rewarding since you're about to accomplish your goal.

Try this: every time you exercise picture yourself losing that last 30. What are going to do after? How are you going to feel? Who are you going to tell?

Keep a positive mind frame, an unchained mind is so very powerful.
Hi Lynki, I totally agree with the other two here. Be insanely proud of yourself for what you've already achieved. That's the single most important aspect to concentrate on in order to keep your motivation high. Another thing that is also great is that you've got this goal of a further 30lbs to lose and I sense that you are really determined to make it to your goal - so from a pure mindset I think you're golden.

So, how do you get there? You mention that you've been eating clean and exercising 5 times a week. That's great, but take a step back for a minute. Over the period of time you've been exercising have you dramatically increased the level of exercise? For example, compared to week one you should be finding the exercise much easier. If so, are you pushing yourself further?

For example, if at the beginning you were doing 10 sit ups (not sure what exercises you were doing but whatever you're routine is), are you now doing more? Are you now regularly doing 20 instead? Or, are you able to do the same amount of exercise much more quickly? If you're not, then this is the way to go. You're body is capable of much more now than in was previously, so push it. If you have been doing more, then great! But can you go further? - you've certainly go the right mindset for it.

Our body is always more capable than we believe. We can always do much more. For example, one thing I tried recently was a challenge of 1000 push ups. This was ridiculous, I'd only ever managed about 30 before I would die. This was just completely unrealistic. But I gave it a go, with a mindset of once I reached 30, I just had to do one more. For every one more I did it was a victory and I felt a bit better about myself. And we are always capable of doing just one more. I just had to break the problem down. I wasn't trying to do 1000 push ups. I was just trying to do one more individual push up each and every time. I didn't reach 1000, I got to about 100. But that was still 70 more than I thought I could do.

So maybe you can adapt this to your exercise routine? However many of a particular exercise you are doing at the moment, times that number by 10 and go for it. It doesn't matter if you don't get all the way, the point is that you set yourself this stretching target and you'll be able to work well past what you think you are actually capable of. That 30lbs should pretty much start to take care of itself by then! (After the 100 push ups I managed I'm now trying to do that number at least once a week and it's making huge differences from the 30 I was doing previously!)

This is tough work and I'm not saying it's going to be easy, but adopting a 'just one more' mentality to your exercise routine will help push you harder and further than you thought possible. And you are capable of it.

I hope you find this useful. Please let me know how you get on, however you try to get to your goal!
Weight loss will slow down as your weight goes down my BMR went from 2700 to 2000 and I only lost 20 lbs. Just use a stricter diet and be patient.

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