Trying to Lose Weight, HELP


New member
Hi, K just want to start off by saying That im 5'9 178lbs and im 16 years old, so i think i can use a little weight loss,

anyone have any suggestions on how to start, as of What to eat,(breakfast lunch dinner) does the time when i eat it matter?

what excerises or weight lifting methods will contribute to me?

and are pills Powders Shakes Drinks etc will be helpful to me since im not even out pf puberty etc, will it affect my growth etc, help :D

Thanks Blancita, For reminding me

I am a Male, and i eat usually a sandwich for lunch and then snacks in between then and dinner (cookies and chips usually) then dinner always consist of some type of vegetable Rice and Meat/chicken

i know bad the cookies and stuff kill me, and when im up late i deffinetly eat, and coke doesent help lol
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Good for you for trying to get healthier.

It would help to know your sex and what you typically eat on an average day or two.

As far as the exercise, I would think anything that you like to do would get the weight moving. What have you done in the past or do you like to do? Do you have access to weights or cardio equipment? Have you ever done weights in the past?

I'm not sure why you need pills and powders. You should be able to lose the weight by increasing your exercise a bit and cutting back some calories by substituting healthier food choices (say fruit rather than candy = calorie savings of 300 to 500 CHA CHING!). No need to go to extremes in the amount you're eating (or not) or in taking supplements or overexercising, after all you're not that big at your height.

Try to see this journey as an opportunity to get healthy and learn about foods that will help you maintain a healthy weight. You dont want to take the few extra pounds off only to put them back on again, which you do hear about frequently on here unfortunately.
It sounds like you need to add breakfast, eat your normal lunch and dinner (go easy on the starchy portion like rice or potatoes) and substitute all snacks for fruit or other healthier options. Cut out all sweetened drinks like Coke. Just cut out the snacking and extra calories you get from the junk and you should be able to take off the few extra pounds with no problem. Definitely eat breakfast though, that might help you cut down on the snacking. And add in some cardio or weights and it sounds like you'll do fine.