So here totally new to diets, I'm 22, 5ft11, 248lbs yeah too fat I know, and I'm about to change all that so please help me accomplish.
Previous routine
Tea (with milk) 2 cup cakes and cheese
Rice, chicken (lots and lots of them)
Chicken, meat, potatos etc (unstoppable)
Now (practicing since 3 days)
Breakfast: Tea only
Lunch: Little rice (lots of water)
Dinner: Skip and sleep. Or should I eat something? (too hard and miss chicken already!)
Is rice good for diet? and what else do you recommend? because you can't have same thing everyday. What about Tea? Should I stop mixing milk in? And what's the best practice to keep your mind away from hunger? Stupid question I know.
Previous routine
Tea (with milk) 2 cup cakes and cheese
Rice, chicken (lots and lots of them)
Chicken, meat, potatos etc (unstoppable)
Now (practicing since 3 days)
Breakfast: Tea only
Lunch: Little rice (lots of water)
Dinner: Skip and sleep. Or should I eat something? (too hard and miss chicken already!)
Is rice good for diet? and what else do you recommend? because you can't have same thing everyday. What about Tea? Should I stop mixing milk in? And what's the best practice to keep your mind away from hunger? Stupid question I know.
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