Sport Trying to lose my stupidly gained weight...

Sport Fitness
So here totally new to diets, I'm 22, 5ft11, 248lbs yeah too fat I know, and I'm about to change all that so please help me accomplish.

Previous routine
Tea (with milk) 2 cup cakes and cheese

Rice, chicken (lots and lots of them)

Chicken, meat, potatos etc (unstoppable)

Now (practicing since 3 days)
Breakfast: Tea only
Lunch: Little rice (lots of water)
Dinner: Skip and sleep. Or should I eat something? (too hard and miss chicken already!)

Is rice good for diet? and what else do you recommend? because you can't have same thing everyday. What about Tea? Should I stop mixing milk in? And what's the best practice to keep your mind away from hunger? Stupid question I know. :)
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Now (practicing since 3 days)

Breakfast: Tea only You need a real meal here man, EX. 4 egg whites, steel cut oats

[insert meal here]

Lunch: Little rice (lots of water) Guess what, A real meal goes here too EX. Chicken breast, veggies, salad

[insert meal here]

Dinner: Skip and sleep. Or should I eat something? (too hard and miss chicken already!) Haha, wow. Where did you get this information? You have to eat to lose weight man, this is not fasting.

Is rice good for diet? and what else do you recommend? because you can't have same thing everyday. What about Tea? Should I stop mixing milk in? And what's the best practice to keep your mind away from hunger? Stupid question I know. :)

Read bold.

I'm sure you are eating white rice. In that case no, if you have to eat rice go with brown rice. You may see better results with no rice at all.

Tea with milk? Gross?

Keep your mind away from hunger? You are starving yourself. You need to eat several small meals a day, try to get a small meal in every 3-4 hours. Drink water only, depending on the tea that would be ok too (with a lot of water during the day as well)
Yes it is white rice, I have not read anything before about diets, good or bad meals. Too noob. I used to flip fitness pages in every magazine I read before, didn't know I'll be needing tips for future. Okay then so I'll go with what you said and eat small meals. What about drinks beside water?

Do I really have to still eat to lose weight? Does it really work that way?
Eating numerous small well balanced meals keeps your metabolism running high, which allows you to burn calories most efficiently.

A real breakfast is a necessity. Dump soda and fast food from your diet.

Good luck!
The diet you posted will kill you. Food is not optional. Not to mention that it will throw your metabolism into a downward spiral, so if you ever do decide to eat it will store it all as fat, since your body has no idea when to next expect food.

Follow what C-Mayhem outlined above. You need to eat regularly and consistently.
Thank you all for replies, yes I am following C-Mayhem's way, but I think I still have to decide what to eat. For breakfast I went to near by cafeteria and had myself 2 sandwich which contained chicken, salad and tomato. Do you think that was too much? I was about to go with only salads and not include tomato and chicken, would this be good? One is enough instead of two? Because I feel two were too much and feel heavy. Sorry for questions but I really need a start.

Edit: I eat lots of cashew nuts, what to you say about it?
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Well I just started my quest for weight lost. I thus far lost about 15-20 pounds, but I'm finding that my choice in food is a bit lacking, too. I'm hopefully changing that around.

From what I gathered, here's what you do.

1) Find your BMR. This will be how much calories your body uses just to support itself.
2) Increase intake of natural food. Fruits, veggie, etc.
3) Exercise. Weight training, cardio, etc. You don't have to exhaust yourself. Just workout at least 20 minutes a day. If you can't hit the gym, just do something at home. Take the stairs, lift common objects, anything besides nothing is really helpful, even if it's small in size. Having a set exercise pattern will increase your likelihood that you'll stick with it. I recommend a heart monitor too to determine how hard you are working, as oppose to just, "feeling the heat."
4) Drink water, nothing else. If you drink soda, throw it away. Avoid it like crazy.
5) Get a food journal. You'll be amazed by what you find.
6) Results happen in months, not week. If you don't lose 1-2 pounds every week, don't sweat it. Just take it easy, and if you continue to have a problem, look at your food and workout.

Well, that's about it. Good luck. Hope to see you in the coming months with progress. :)
Oh helpful sites!!!

- tells you how much cals you burn based on weight and time. Has a wide range of stuff.

- tells you how much cals are in food. Pretty good site overall.

And of course this forum. That mayhem guy looks like he knows what he's talking about as he's been pretty helpful for me too. :)
You need to figure out your BMR, which is the amount of calories your body needs to just function. Then you need to chop calories off of that. I would think 2 sandwiches is 2 much, especially if you feel heavy after eating. Cashews are good, in moderation. Increase your water intake as well.

This just got posted today, and it's pretty decent:

Good luck!

Thank you for your reply and it's very helpful. I read that article and surely it has some very beneficial information. I would look at what my BMR (what is it?) is. So I've totally skipped chicken sandwich thing because they add little oil in there too, dumb people, and instead start with vegetable only. So do you mean I can have cashews? I eat the salted one, doesn't matter?

Dallen: Some important points there. And 15-20 is too much when did you started? I've joined gym yesterday and trust me I'm in so damn pain right now, I knew I'll suffer this next day but I had to follow coach. Did some running, stomach exercises and lots of arms weight lifting. God I don't know what's gonna come today, but I have to take it no matter what. The coach has also given me some tips on what to eat and exercise when. The links are cool still swimming in them.
Basically I'm not a cook at all and I only have option to always order from outside. So is there any easy recipes like I know how to prepare eggs?
BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate. It's the amount of calories you burn in a day without doing anything at all.

As for cooking, just follow some type of plan. I recommend a book perhaps for preparing some healthy meals. Don't eat food from shops and stuff. It's really hard to tell what's in them, and even more so, you can easily eat too much.

I'm aiming for 190. I'm about 235-240ish when I started. I might have just lost weight, but the real question is will it stay, and only time will answer that. I have a long ways to go, still.
So how do you exactly know your BMR? I've tried searching but didn't help. :confused:

As of food I'm managing to get some appliances that'll do most of the cooking work, still have to figure out.

I'm also aiming between 80 to 90 kg, my weight the first day in gym was 113.5 kg and today (third day) the same machine said 111.8, I know they don't always show accuracy, if I get anything near to 105 only then I'll be little excited and think I'm making lil progress. Let's see who reaches their goal first ;) are you ready for The Biggest Loser Challenge? That'll help both of us, what say you?