Trying to loose weight the right and healthy way..


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Hey guys

My names Evan and I'm 19. I way 172 but used to weigh 225 I still want to loose another 10--15 pounds of fat. I have been lingering around 180 for quite a while now and recently just lost the eight pounds. The problem is I'm staying with a family in Toronto who eats really bad and I have started to follow their habbits. Recently I stopped my self and went out and bought some fresh vegies ,fruits, whole grains, yogurt ect. The problem is, in my past I would do extreme diets and give up a month later. I need to learn how to loose weight the healthy way,and consume not too much calories but not too little. I don't want my body to go into starvation mode. So I'm trying to stay away from fatty foods, white breads and eat more vegtables and fruites . Starting to drink green tea too :) I'm about 5'10 19 and male what is a good amount of calories to consume for weight lose? How can I not ruin my metabolism? And am I on the right track?

Hi Evan; I don't think you can go wrong when you are eating fruits and vegetables daily, as well as whole grains. It's tough to stay on track when you're not getting the kind of support you need, but really stay focused on YOU. I do know for women that women should be between 1600 and 1800 calories if they stay fairly active and that men are allowed more calories.

You are lucky that you are young enough to learn the proper way for the rest of your life. I think you are on the right track if you think you can eat a certain way in the long-term.

The word "diet" should be a noun, not a verb. Eat healthy and know that you are getting healthy from the inside out. Good on you with the green tea! I drink in instead of coffee or soda.....I love it and the EECG in it is great for you.

If you want, you can grab a 75-page free copy of my FREE weight loss it and read a bit each day.

Good Luck and stick with it!

A general rule of thumb is not to drop below your weight in pounds times 10 calories.

So at 172 lbs, if you eat 1720 calories, you should be at a good deficit. Maintenance is approximately 15 * weight, although it varies on your activity levels etc. So somewhere between 1720 calories and 2580 calories - you can start off at 2000 and see if you lose, if not you can start dropping calories down.

Make sure to get enough protein too - for you, probably around 125-150g (should be 1 to 1.5 times your lean body mass), it helps you lose fat instead of muscle while losing the weight, and its often more filling. Switching to more fruits & veggies and higher fiber foods helps too. You can have some fats - but go for the good ones like olive oil and avocados.

I personally switched from doing Atkins at less than 30g net carbs/day to focusing on getting enough protein and vegetables and fruit in my diet, and I find it works just as well, and is a lot easier to maintain :D

Hope that helps!
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healthy weight loss isn't just about what you eat and how many calories you consume - it's also about exercise. you didn't mention what you have planned for adding more physical activity to your life. exercise is an important part of any healthy weight loss program and can really do wonders for increasing your metabolism and preventing muscle loss. Start with the basics, like walking or light jogging or swimming at first and then build up the intensity level of your exercises every week. You should aim to get at least 45 minutes of exercise 3-5 times a week (the more the better). Good luck!
Hey Even,

How's your progress coming along? I hope you're doing well. Congrats on all of the success you have had so far 53lbs is quite an achievement, you should be proud of yourself for coming so far, I know it takes a lot of inner strength to make a big lifestyle change like that. Also, Its good to hear the you want to do this the healthy way too!

As for your questions how many calories do you need to lose weight the healthy way?

Technically, there really is no exact number of calories one should eat each day to lose weight, BUT, there have been some formulas create to give you some basic guidelines.

*1st you can estimate how many calories you should consume in order to maintain your weight by estimating your 'basal metabolic rate' this can be calculated using this handy online estimator: Estimated Calorie Requirements

*2nd then you find out how many pounds of fat you want to lose a week (standard text book healthy recommended max is 2lbs /week)

*then determine your weight loss goal per week (in order to lose 1lb of fat a week you need to be in a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories/week. 3,500/7days = thats a caloric deficit of 500 calories/day day.

*then take your 'basal metabolic rate' (BMR) and subtract the your calico deficit goal so if you were going for 1lb of fat a week you would take your BMR - 500 calorie deficit = calories to consume per day

*if your going for the 2lbs a week that will be 1000 calorie deficit/day. (NOTE: its a good idea to create the caloric deficit from food AND from exercise instead of just reducing your caloric intake by 1000 calories a day... that would make me waaaaayyyy too hungry and hunger is not good... it leads to overeating in the long run, plus you want to do this the healthy way so don't forget the exercise)

*so it might be helpful to get into a good work out regimen that allows you to burn 3500 calories a week while decreasing you caloric intake by 500 calories a day.

I think your on the right track if your eating a balanced diet of veggies, fruits, complexed carbs, protein and healthy fats: I would listen to your body and eat until my body says I'm not hungry any more (not your mind/emotions... our minds tend to want to finish the pale) and if your doing this coupled with a complementary work out routine you shouldn't have a problem getting your body into to a caloric deficit.

If your still not seeing results then you might want to measure you portions for a week just so you can really see how many calories your putting into your body, but I wouldn't recommend count calories in the the long run, I find it to be a good learning tool but tedious and unnecessary after you get the hang of it.

Finale Note: don't rely on the sale alone to track your progress, track your progress about every 4-5 weeks by measuring you body fat % and then find out how many pounds of fat you have lost... because your weight by its self wont tell you the whole story (some people lose or gaining lean body mass and think they are losing or gaining fat, so you want to know the difference)

Hope this helps!
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Whew, I barely made it through the first portion! Good thing you caught me in time ;-)

bahahah!!! gold