Trying to improve my lifestyle

Hey all, been a member here for awhile, just usually do more reading than posting. I'll try to keep this simple for now, just to let everyone know where I've been coming from. I am 22 years old, my height is 6'4'', and weight is currently at 208 pounds. Earlier this year, my weight was 225, and you could really see it on me. I was tired of that, and felt like I was letting myself down for not being in better shape.

So I started running, which was no big transition, since I've been running off and on with my dad since I was 13. I started off busting out 2 miles, then got to the point where I could do 3-4, and even had some days where I would run 6-7 miles. All the while, not doing drastic diet changes, but still lost weight, down to about 195 pounds. At that point, I felt like I was slimmer, but still had chest and stomach fat, and didn't REALLY feel healthy.

Since then, I've climbed my weight back up to 208, where I am now, and it has been pretty constant for the last month. A friend of mine and I also started to lift, since I feel my poor muscle strength has something to do with stomach/chest fat, and also makes it hard to keep weight off. Maybe I'm wrong, feel free to help me out!

To give a few details, we do chest/triceps one day, biceps/back another day, and stomach/shoulders another day. We still need to work legs in somewhere. I have been charting progress, it is only the second week though. My cardio has suffered a bit since starting lifting, possibly due to a lack of discipline. I feel like I've been in the gym for so long lifting, I usually only run for 2-3 miles after the lifting. Maybe that's OK though, any input?

So, I go to the gym 3 times a week, doing lifting and running, and occasionally I'll go a 4th time, just to run.

As for diet, this has ALWAYS been my weak link. I am a whore for bad foods, and it seems to be easier to not eat as much rather than regulate what I eat. I know that this is bad, it can hurt the metabolism, end up gaining more back in the end, and I by no means starve myself. I am going to do my damnest to fit in oatmeal in the morning, which will be a big step for me, since I usually have NO breakfast, or maybe just coffee. One problem I see with example meal days is the fact that I hate seafood, can I simply substitute chicken? OK, I've been going way too long, so if you're still reading, I thank you, and if you have some advise for me, please share, I need all the help I can get. I'd be glad to share ANY more details, and the chart of lifting details...

I glanced over this book and I thought it could help get rhythm and schedule in people's workout. I think planning as well as balance (both in cardio and weights) is very important. Here is the URL and a few more links on the page.

I am going to follow this schedule for a few months because I find myself looking around thinking what to do next in the gym.
