Trying to get motivation


New member
Hi im marcus, i posted here about 1-2 years ago and while i tried to come here for help i just forgot about it because back then i didnt realize the extent of my weight and since then its gotten way worse.
I come here in hope that i can get help and motivation even tho that is a really hard thing for me to get. I've had some mental issues that past few years wich i have been trying to sort out wich is why i wanna try and sort out my body. I wanna workout but for some reason my mind is stuck on that it has to be a gym i go to even tho i know that there are other ways. I just dont know what to do for exercises at home if i should jog, walk or run in sprints or whatever. I cant seem to understand it at all and i have seen videos and storys about people coming to theese types of forums to get help and tips and motivation so that is what i wanted to try to do. Since i still live at home with my parents and just accept the meals that they give me i cant really change my diet exept for decresing intake of food and just change my breakfast.

If i could get some assistance in this i would be very greatfull.
Now since i assume u need more information about me here it is.

I am 19 years old
I weigh 115kg or 250 lbs im about 175cm tall
I have no stamina what so ever walking up the shortest flight of stairs or sprinting for 5 seconds makes me sweat a ton, my heart rate sky rockets by just walking, I really want to fix this but i know for a fact that i cant do it completly by myself even tho i probably should be able to

And like i said no acces to a gym or gym equipment yet, gonna try to fix that by the end of the month, but if i could get any pointers that would be great
Hi, Marcus & welcome back to the forum. As diet is the most important thing to lose weight & you are restricted to what your parents serve you, reducing portion sizes might have to be the best option. What sort of food do they eat? Are they open to changing? Do you have access to a swimming pool? Swimming or just treading water in a pool is great exercise & supports your body.
All the best with becoming healthy & fit. You are young & if you are determined you can do it!
Hi Marcus and welcome
You’re in the right place for some help and support, people on here are very helpful. I did a general post on my transformation and tips you may find helpful for some starting info, I’m sure you can find it by looking at my previous posts. You definitely don’t need a gym to get a great workout. Interval training can be done with no equipment and you can a full body strength workout with just bodyweight. So long as you have a few square metres of space you have everything you need! I’m happy to make a few suggestions if you like. However cate is right, nutrition is key to weight loss , much more so than exercise. But the exercise you do will determine how you look once the fat is gone, particularly if you Incorporate strength training. Perhaps a little info on the types of food your parents buy may be helpful for people to offer some suggestions. Happy to chip in with some motivation tips too if you need them. I started off by picking a start date and mentally building up to it. I made a list of when I eat crap (late at night and when watching TV we’re my main ones) so I went to bed earlier and stopped watching tv for a few weeks. I figured out I was most motivated as soon as I got home from work so I did my workouts as soon as I got in without giving myself a chance to fail. Mostly meal and time planning helped for the first few weeks and then once I was in the swing of it, it got easier each day.
Hopefully some of that may help. Good luck buddy