Trying to get into shape and for my body to look like this. Advice please?

Hello, I'm trying to improve my body. I'm really skinny, I don't have the best posture, and my chest sticks out and caves in a weird way. I'm 18 years old and this is my ideal shape:






I'm not trying to be someone else. I know a lot of you will probably say he doesn't have a nice body, he is thin but I still think he has a nice body and it's ideal for me. That's what I aim to look like, thin but defined and with nice posture. I don't want to be bulky or have huge shoulders, but having a body like Hendrix in those pictures is my goal. So, what exercises should I do and what should I eat to obtain this?

Thank you in advance. :)
PS: I have a little pop belly, I'm 5'8, about 135 lbs, and I'm a vegetarian

I also don't really have the money to join a gym, but I do have this thing called the Ab Scissors and this machine that has a pulley on it
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Picture number 1 is cool because it shows the way Jimi Hendrix played the guitar - upside down. Dude was good.
First, to quote the great Austrian Oak (Arnold "the terminator" Schwtzaneger), you need to pick your parents. If you don't have the correct genetics you will never look like that, but you can look a lot better than you do now. The secret is eat right and exercise. You can do a lot without any equipment: situps, pushups, pullups, handstand push ups, free hand squats and other calistenics and runnning. If you want to make better progress a 110 pound barbell/dumbell set can be purchased for around $100 or less.