Trying to Figure Out My Best Distance To Run In

I've been thinking about joining my college track team next year. My question is I'm not really sure what event to run in. I did 100/400m but I didn't do so hot but I don't know if that was b/c I wasn't in shape enough or that my legs were to short.

I'm 5'5 and I play soccer regularly and seem to be the only guy who can last a game with my friends which could help with endurance. The reason I want to know is b/c I plan on training this summer but I want my training to be focused on the right distance.

Any suggestions? :confused:
try the mile or two mile and see how that goes for ya. I'm a distance runner and anything under 800m is just to damn fasted paced for me.
My track coach in HS use to tell me that while certain techniques can shed a few tenths of a seconds, genetics use to be the primary decider in speed. So people with longer legs were quicker than those with shorter legs so I guess i'm kinda stuck with long distances. What is a good time for a mile? I use to run it in 6:40 in middle school.