Sport Trying to drink enough water...

Sport Fitness
Generally speaking (esp. when taking supplements) - it's best to drink a LOT of water... Personally speaking, I have a difficult time drinking the required amount of water. Do you have any tips?

1. most recommendations for how much water you need to consume, don't take into account that most foods have a lot of water in them (especially fruits and vegetables which you should be eating a lot of) and your required water intake needs to be reduced by the amount you get from foods.
2. I usually drink a 12 ounce glass of water when I wake up in the morning, another when I leave for the gym or work, another every 2 hours or so during the morning and early afternoon. If your work has a water cooler near the bathrooms, drink a glass of water each time you go. Or stop at McDonald's and get a large iced tea and sip that until it is gone.
I used to hate water- it would make me gag to take a swig and if I had as much as a glass it would come back up again. Not nice!

I did though start to force myself to drink when I started to do more at the gym, mainly as I recognised feeling thirsty but had nothing to drink (I used to drink tea, pepsi max and diet lemonade). In the gym all they had were taps of water and a machine full of lucosade full sugar. I didn't want to drink full sugar stuff so I began to drink water.

It took a few months if not a year to get to the stage where I was drinking water all day. But now I think nothing of it. In a gym session I get through sometimes 2L of plain water (2 hr workouts) I don't even notice at times!

I'd say just drink when yu are thirsty, if you just don't feel thirsty, add in some water breaks, like a glass 3 times a day and build up from there. Another tip would be to drink little and often, fill a 500ml or 1L bottle of water and guzzle throughout the day. Aim to get through at least 500mls and eventually you will finish the bottle, just work on building up gradually.
I used to hate water- it would make me gag to take a swig and if I had as much as a glass it would come back up again. Not nice!

Wow, Thanks for the visual! LOL But yeah, that's exactly how I feel...

Aim to get through at least 500mls and eventually you will finish the bottle, just work on building up gradually.

I really like your suggestion about starting small and then going from there... I'll have to start somewhere.

Oh in the summer, I often drink a lot of water, even when I am not thirsty. But my friends say drinking too much water may make our body look bigger :) Is it?
I also agree with it is best to drink a LOT of water... with this i also recommend you to drink organic herbal teal to remain healthy.

I carry a water bottle pretty much every where I go. This includes works and any meetings that I might have to attend. There is always a water bottle with me in my car too. Just try to make it part of you every day habit to have a water bottle with you. After awahile you will feel naked when you forget it.

Water is the most important catalyst for all functions of the body. It is understandable that you cannot drink as much as needed. Try by starting with small amounts. Then progress to larger amounts. I dont know about glasses but aim for 3 to 5 liters of water a day after finding out your body type, the rate you sweat, the weather condition in your area, and such. Hope this helps