trying to bulk up -- help!

Hey so I'm 6'0 and weighed about 160 lbs. I do pretty intense 2 hour brazilian jiu-jitsu workouts 2 days a week and between 200-300 pushups and 200-300 situps about every other day. I'd like to be 170 lbs when I cut. I've been drinking protein shakes before my BJJ practices and usually after I do my pushups/situps for about 2 weeks now. I've also been trying to step up my protein intake with regular meals (although that isn't easy being a poor college student). So far, I've gained a whole 0 lbs..

I don't have weights at home, nor do I really have time to go to the gym to lift. Can anyone help me figure out how to bulk up more?

If you want to gain weight.. eat more.. simple as that
If you're not gaining pounds, you're not eating enough!
Eat more!
If you want to gain weight.. eat more.. simple as that
If you're not gaining pounds, you're not eating enough!
Eat more!

Yeah... if you eat more you could get fatter too. EAt more to gain weight is true in the most basic sense. but you certainly don't want to gain fat especially if you're doing a martial art.

Erik, if you have no access to the gym, here's what you could try to do.
First of all, you cannot expect to gain mass doing such high volume and low intensity exercises (200-300 pushups I mean, I have no idea about your jiu jitsu)

Anyway in order to get some pulling motions along with the push, find somewhere to do pullups. Very important.
Second, start doing one legged squats, you must have lower body work. Onel egged squats are some of the best things you can do if you have no weight whatsoever to do squats and deads.
3rd, get a backpack, and some bricks or something heavy and start doing weighted pushups, weighted pullups, and weighted one legged squats if you can. You need to be doing heavier weight to get larger, otherwise you're just doing endurance work.

I'd say put enough weight in there so that you can do about 10 pushups, and you'll be tired after 10, but you may be able to push out 1 more.

and i'd do pyramid sets so it'd be like
BW +x for 10 reps
BW +x+y for 8 reps
BW +x+y+z for 6 reps
where BW means body weight
x,y,and z are numerical values for weight added in the backpack
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Good Luck!
Wait, if you are in college, how do you NOT have access to the campus gym? I call shinagigans on that...and I'm sure some others will too.

Back to the point though...yeah, you gotta eat. Can't get around it. Calories in - calories out = whether you gain, lose, or maintain your weight. Also, considering that you already do high volume workouts with your BJ(J), I'd think that you should stick with a high weight / low rep routine to really get some explosive strength.