Trying to build muscle. Any workouts?

Hey guys im trying to find out what the best workout(s) are at home. I have no equipment except for a pull-up bar, im 15, 5'7, 135 pounds and i also smoke :\ any ideas on some good workouts? Oh and i also take judo.
Balance out push ups with pull ups (do the same number of sets for each, and push both exercises just as hard as each other, but dont try to match rep for rep, because you should be able to do many more push ups than pull ups). Do bodyweight squats, lunges or step ups, and bridges. Quit smoking. Eat a sandwich.
Balance out push ups with pull ups (do the same number of sets for each, and push both exercises just as hard as each other, but dont try to match rep for rep, because you should be able to do many more push ups than pull ups). Do bodyweight squats, lunges or step ups, and bridges. Quit smoking. Eat a sandwich.

To add to what Goldfish mentioned, add variations to your pushups and pullups

Pull ups -> wide, narrow, reverse grip ...

Push ups -> wide, narrow, diamond, etc ...

and don't neglect legs!

You can also put bags of sand etc in a backpack to do your pull ups, squats or push ups to make them harder so you can gain more muscle.
Pushups, pullups, squats, hanging leg raises for the abs, also working on your hand and forearm grip while hanging, handstands, bridges, intensify the load of your workouts with exercises such as uneven pushups (one hand on a ball puts more bodyweight on the opposite side) always keep your abs and ass tight. I suggest you read the following books, The Naked Warrior by pavel tsatsouline, Al Kavadlo's books, Raising the bar(pullups) and Pushing the limits(pushups)