Trying so hard but not getting anywhere


New member
Hi All,
I'm Donna, I'm 30. I've been following a plan for the past four weeks. I've only managed to loose 4lbs 3/4's. I am really disappointed and feel like Crap. I know a loss is a loss but when you are trying so so hard and getting no where!
I have type one diabetes and hypothyroidism-have had all Bloods done and all are fine. I just don't know what to do anymore and feel like quitting!
Hi Donna, have you considered meal replacement shakes for breakfast and/or dinner? It takes a lot of will power but it helps a lot with stabilizing sugar. That's what I currently do (I bulk up my shakes to 350-400 calories) and have a salad for lunch. Berries as a snack at night if I need something to suck on. I'm down 9 lbs this week, and my calorie/vitamin/carb/fat intake is perfectly healthy. Let me know if you'd like to know more.. dont give up! You can do this! :)
Try skipping breakfast. Being a little active in the morning with no food on your stomach will turn your metabolism into a furnace.

What makes break-fast the most important meal of the day is, because, Whatever you decide to eat will make your insulin spike. More than likely when you wake up, it's already been 10 or so hours since your last meal. Your body spent all that time focusing on digesting your previous meal. When you wake up, your stomach has already finished digesting a while ago, so your insulin will go hay wire if you decide to eat something sugary or processed for your first meal.

Wake up, wait a while, drink some black coffee which acts as a appetite suppressor, and then break your fast with something nutritious.

Try this for 3 days. Just see how far you can go each day before you have to eat something, make it a good option, and you will be amazed at the amount of weight you will lose.

Let me know if this works for you!