Trying Out A Highly Controversial Diet!!!!


New member
A little bit about me... Name: Alyssa ~ Age: 16 ~ Height: 5'4" ~ Current Weight: 115 lbs ~ Goal Weight: 107 lbs ~
I will only be eating between 0-250 calories per day for 20 days, as apart of the Pro Anorexia Diet. This is what the diet consist of...
Day 1: 200 Calories
Day 2: 100 Calories
Day 3: Fast
Day 4: 100 Calories
Day 5: 175 Calories
Day 6: 50 Calories
Day 7: 250 Calories
Day 8: 100 Calories
Day 9: Fast
Day 10: 80 Calories
Repeat as necessary.
Diet Rules and Tips: Eat Healthy Foods Only! Only Drink Water! Take Vitamins Everyday! Try to do Fast Days during the weekend or days when you are minimally active. Chew Sugar Free Gum (5 calories per stick) to take your mind off of food and to trick your body into thinking it's getting food.

This will also be a Food Diary. You all can see what I eat in a day on this diet and to also give you guys some meal ideas if you want to start this diet as well. I will update this Food Diary daily, so you all will see what I've been eating. This diet is great for me because it has a fast weight loss rate and it requires you to only be minimally active. It focuses primarily on your Diet (aka your calorie intake) and has very little to no exercise requirements. Yes, I am fully aware that this diet is highly controversial and it also promotes an Eating Disorder. I am still however going to proceed with this diet. Thank You for taking the time to read this. Have a great day (or night)!


Food Diary

August 15th ~ Day 1: 10 Large Baby Carrots - 50 calories. 1/2 Cup of Frozen Berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, and blueberries) 50 calories.Todays Total: 100 Calories
Hi, Alyssa & welcome to the forum. There are many helpful & supportive people here who are looking to become fit & healthy. I think most of us have suffered from low self-esteem at some stage of our lives & many, including me, have had an eating disorder(in my case Bulimia). Becoming skinny at the sake of our mental & physical health & well-being is not the answer to anything.
It is sad how thinness has become the thing to aspire to. I wish I had never gone on any crash diets as I would not now be struggling to maintain a healthy weight. They do so much damage to your body & your metabolism.
I got help from a Psychologist to help build my self-esteem & it was one of the best things I have ever done. I am now working at getting back down to my healthy weight slowly, knowing that it will be much better for me & it will be sustainable long-term.
Anorexia can do so much harm to your body.
The effects of anorexia can include:
  • losing your hair
  • problems with your heart
  • cessation of periods
  • finding it hard to concentrate or think properly
  • your bones getting weaker
  • having a weak immune system, which can make you more likely to get ill
  • your skin turning blue.
Eventually, people can die if they don't eat properly.
It’s important to eat so you can grow, have strong bones and stay healthy. Food also gives you the energy to think, study, work and do physical things. You could speak to a doctor about a healthy eating plan and ways to feel better about eating. Seeing a counsellor would be a good thing.
I hope you don't go ahead with your plan, Alyssa. I'm a grandma. I will worry about you! xoxo Cate.
When I was a little younger than you are now, I spent time in hospital, in the next bed was a 16 year old anorexic girl, her anorexia was so bad, force feeding was not able to save her life, it is a horrible way to die. Please seek help as cate has suggested.
Hi Alyssa
it is much safer to use the diet of 1000 kcal ... think about it. The effect will be good and you will not destroy the body ... chewing gum on an empty stomach can cause ulcers and holes in the stomach ... do not destroy your health ...