trying not to gain weight from protein!!

I have noticed that soon after i start taking protein powder i start gaining weight..I have tried a few diff kinds...make sure they have low carbs, sugar. any suggestions on a good brand for women??
You're gaining weight because you are taking in more calories than you are burning, not because of the protein powder. You need to figure out how many calories you are burning per day and then figure out how many you need to eat.

I swear im not following you around on purpose. ;)
haha thas okay u can!! well whats weird is that my calorie intake have stayed the same, and the only thing i changed was the p powder?? so i was maintaing weight and just added that... so u dont think the amount of protein i am eating from food, and the protein in the powder is to much?? cuz i mean i really live on foods like chicken, eggs, etc that i know have lotta protein ..
same thing happens to me. Calories stay the same, but I'll gain weight. I work out a ton and my body tends to lay down muscle quickly so in my case I always just assume its muscle-its still not fun to see the scale go up.
haha thas okay u can!! well whats weird is that my calorie intake have stayed the same, and the only thing i changed was the p powder?? so i was maintaing weight and just added that... so u dont think the amount of protein i am eating from food, and the protein in the powder is to much?? cuz i mean i really live on foods like chicken, eggs, etc that i know have lotta protein ..

If you were eating at maintenance, then added protein powder while continuing to eat the same as before, you would be above maintenance. Protein has calories.
My supplement has 200 cals per serving. I take 2 a day, so thats 400 cals straight away.

Are you using a "weight gainer" or just regular whey? Mine (a bulk strawberry whey) has for a 30g serving :-

Protein 22.8 g
Fat 1.9 g
Carbs 3.6 g
Calories 122

"Weight gainers" have a tonne of carbs to give you those extra cals.
Are you using a "weight gainer" or just regular whey? Mine (a bulk strawberry whey) has for a 30g serving :-

Protein 22.8 g
Fat 1.9 g
Carbs 3.6 g
Calories 122

"Weight gainers" have a tonne of carbs to give you those extra cals.

Dont worry i know what im using :D

Protein: 40g
Glutamine: 10g
Carbs: 6. something i think
Cals: 200

Yea i used to have a weight gainer with over 600cals and like 90g carbs! And most likely full of sugar.
name the exact type/brand of protein you're taking. Soy protein or blends with soy protein are prone to making people feel bloated, retain water, etc.
at the moment i am not taking any..since i dont wanna bulk up :animal3: i mean of course i want muscle, but ya know just wanna under control... thanks for all your advice btw !!
i heard optimum nutrition had some good stuff...any of u guys take that??

Yes, but I am not using any now (for various reasons).

ON has a new product: You might want to try that one out.

I normally use this whey product in the morning and after workouts:

I normally use this casein product, and I only drink it at night before bed:

Be careful with these, though. It's very easy to consume protein (at least it is for me), and excess protein is stored as fat.
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I have a protein waffle receipe posted in the recipes section. thin the batter up slightly to get decent pancake batter consistency (its a little thick but works in a waffle iron)