I have noticed that soon after i start taking protein powder i start gaining weight..I have tried a few diff kinds...make sure they have low carbs, sugar. any suggestions on a good brand for women??
haha thas okay u can!! well whats weird is that my calorie intake have stayed the same, and the only thing i changed was the p powder?? so i was maintaing weight and just added that... so u dont think the amount of protein i am eating from food, and the protein in the powder is to much?? cuz i mean i really live on foods like chicken, eggs, etc that i know have lotta protein ..
My supplement has 200 cals per serving. I take 2 a day, so thats 400 cals straight away.
Are you using a "weight gainer" or just regular whey? Mine (a bulk strawberry whey) has for a 30g serving :-
Protein 22.8 g
Fat 1.9 g
Carbs 3.6 g
Calories 122
"Weight gainers" have a tonne of carbs to give you those extra cals.
i heard optimum nutrition had some good stuff...any of u guys take that??
Ive always wanted to, but i never have.seperate question.... anybody make protein pancakes????:food: