Sport Trying Hard?

Sport Fitness
Ok Here It Goes. I'm A Male 38yrs Old 6'0, 190 And 24.5%bf. I Recently Broke My Left Leg (june) And Was At The 200lb Range After Not Being Able To Do A Whole Lot Except Eat. Have Cut Out Soda, (occ Diet) But Cut Soda Out. I Work Midnights And Always Seem To Get Hungry In The Middle Of My Shift. Hard To Eat Sometimes Due To My Job (police Offficer) Have Dropped Approx 6 To 8lbs In Last Month But Really Want To Get To Approx 175 And 15% Body Fat. Working Out 3 To 4 Times A Week Strength Training, Cardio. Could Use Some Good Advise On A Good Food Progarm To Help Supress My Hunger, And Also Help Me Lose Weight. Any Advise Would Appreciate It..

The Fuzz
Fresno huh.. I've seen a few episodes of Cops out in Fresno.. seems to be pretty rough at times. First you have to record and set a goal for how much weight you want to acheive. Next you have to know what your intake of calories for the day will be. would be a good source to track your calories and figure out there stats to fit your calorie intake per day. The way it seems to go is that you take what you are intaking calorie wise as of now.. and subtract 500. Thats a starter right there. Pack a good lunch since you'll be in the patrol car majority of time.. I assume? Make sure to get 6-8 meals a day.. 6 being a good amount. You have to break up your meals to suit your daily intake, but idea's of foods would be... egg whites, 100% oatmeal for mornin-possibly a fruit, tuna in afternoon with whole wheat, or grain bread, with some lettuce.. after that it can be a peice of chicken with broccoli, make sure to get a sufficient meal in before you workout, and nice protein shake post workout(afterwards), some good carbs can be brown rice, sweet potatoe. Some good fats could be some peanuts.. olive oil maybe for a dressing. Again it depends on your calorie intake, and what you set yourself at.. And since I don't know what you do as far as weight training.. and cardio.. I will suggest HIIT- High Intensity Interval Training.. Search HIIT on this forum to get a more in-depth exclammation of it. Best thing I can tell you us bring couple meals on the job with you.. let them chill in the car. Every 2 hours or so.. bust something out and start munchin.

Thanks for the info i do appreciate it. can u give me some advise on amounts of food should be eating. Example for today intake. Had approx 1 cup oatmeal for breakfast, and piece of wheat grain bread 0900hrs, snack bar approx 1100hrs, lunch at approx 1400hrs lean beef, salad with cucumber,avacado, with red wine dressing (very little), snack bar at 1700hrs, 1930 more lean beef,brown rice, watermellon, and lots of water all day. day off for rest (weight training) any ideas.
No snack bars! - unless you made them yourself. store bought ones are crap.

Every single meal should contain protein, at least 25g for someone your size/build.
I'm not a fan of bread either. Even whole grain has been processed and enriched, has sugar added...
Oatmeal is good (old fashion or steel instant, no pre-flavored stuff), try splenda for a sweetner instead of sugar or Equal.
Humbug. I <3 old fashioned instant oats :D

no such thing. they are either steel cut, old fashioned rolled oats, or instant oats.

instant = turns to paste, and has a higher glycemic index than steel cut or old fashioned, which also cook up nicer, and not like wall spackle. my beloved instant oats (the box says 1g sugar per half cup) are bad? What a downer :(