Trying a different approach


New member
I've built a site to help me track my weight, mood and other bits and bobs - but most interesting is I'm allowing - nay, encouraging - people to make the nastiest/funniest fat-comments/jokes possible. It's at SPAM REMOVED if you'd like to take a look.

It's working in a few ways - people can say what really think and they really don't hold back. It could be that they're being funny, or they could be being truly nasty - I can't tell the difference!

Luckily I have a good sense of humour so I take it all in jest, and actually the nasty comments just make me smile and feel awesome about it all.

But the main thing is that because people are constantly coming back to check the site and make comments, I know they're watching. It's the equivalent of going to Fat Club - I know that I'm under intense scrutiny every time I make a post of my BMI, so I am always trying to reduce it so as to avoid the wrath of the public...

Anyway, take a look and see what you think - do make a comment too, it really does help, and send it on to your friends if you like it!

Tom (The Fat Git)

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Each one to his own - but I think that you are very much in the minority if you benefit from being abused in such a manner.

You hardly know what it is like to be fat with a BMI of 32.6 (according to your site). Many people here feel and look quite slim when they get their BMI down to that. I certainly did and many of my friends are looking forward to such a good feeling.

Your marginal obesity can hardly be affecting your health at all. Many of us here are trying to rescue our health from the brink.

The public is nasty enough to people that really are fat - that it does not need to be encouraged to do so. I believe that your encouragement may make such individuals believe that they are acting in an acceptable manner when they are NOT!

I found the whole concept quite repulsive and will not be visiting the website again. Since you clearly have masochistic tendencies - you can take whatever pleasure you wish from this comment.
I would just like to say that my BMI is around 38 right now and I would love to be at 32, that being said, Just because you (omega) or your friends would feel great at a bmi of 32 that doesn't mean Git will. He may see himself as morbidly obese. I know a woman who weighs 135 pounds and is ashamed of her weight. It's all about how a person percieves themselves. Git, I laughed my ass off reading your friends comments. I weigh 225 at this moment and I do appreciate a good joke, fat or otherwise. However, I don't think that's exactly my brand of encouragement.
To each his own. I personally don't need abuse and hate left on a blog to encourage me. There's enough abuse and hate in the world already.
I agree w/ Omega. While I do believe that perception has alot to do w/ weight loss and what size a person will deem as being 'fat'. I certainly don't consider a 32 bmi fat, but whatever. What I agree whole heartily is that the world is nasty enough and to encourage such nastiness towards the overweight is repulsive.

BTW...your links were removed as they were in violation of the spamming rules we have established on this forum, and the ones you agreed to upon registration. Further 'link dropping' will be cause to ban you.
@ ~Love Life~ - I'm glad someone took it in the way it's meant to be taken - i.e. a joke! Glad you enjoyed the comments, there are some very creative ones on the site, for sure.

Must admit, Omega, I found your comment quite funny. I haven't got masochistic tendencies at all - not in the slightest - the reason I'm asking for the comments is to encourage people to return to the site, interact, and therefore keep an eye on me.

By the way, before I decided to start my BMI was around 36.8 - and whilst that is not as you would say 'morbidly' obese, it is still clinically obese and very unhealthy, and may cause me problems in later life.

Technically speaking anything above BMI 30 is clinically obese and therefore leads to higher risks of all kinds of nasties.

Anyway, back on subject - 'Abuse' and 'hate' are strong terms for what is generally a good joke, and actually, if you look at it through someone else's eyes, actually a form of constructive criticism and encouragement.

I should also point out 2 other things - 1 is that there is a 'nice comment' option on the site (which at the moment is rather underused - only 17% of comments are nice!).

And 2. - at no point have I suggested, insinuated, or even hinted that people should do this in real life, or to other people. There is a note at the bottom of every page to remind people that other overweight people require support and help, not abuse. The site is completely for my own benefit, and shouldn't harm anybody else in the slightest. Is this really so bad? As of yesterday I've lost almost a stone, so it must be working... just knowing that people are always watching you is such a huge encouragement, which is why other obese people go to Weight Watchers or other fat clubs.

Oh, Korrie - sorry, I didn't mean to cause offence with the links, and it certainly wasn't meant to be spam (there is no financial benefit for me!), and of course without the site URL people won't know what the context of this conversation is. Would it be possible to add the plain text URL to this thread, but without the link behind it - for context's sake?