trouble stomaching the supplements

Hi, I have a pretty fast metabolism and I'm trying to put on some weight. I've been in and out of the gym for years but I usually plateau quickly, and this time around I'm changing both my workout routines and my diet. I've been trying to eat healthier (more fruits and veggies, less bread and fatty foods, tons of proteins and a good amount of the good kind of carbs), more frequent meals, and I avoid all junk food.

I've also upped the amount of protein shakes I take to two a day, the first one pre-workout with one scoop of Isoflex Whey protein and 1 scoop of Mammoth 2500 weight gainer. Then after workout I take another shake of 1 scoop of Isoflex and 2 or 3 scoops of mammoth depending on the intensity of my work out. On off days I'll take maybe one shake instead of 2 with a 1:2 ratio again.

The effects on my body are so far positive with the exception of my gastrointestinal system. I've had bad gas for 3 weeks now and starting to have diarrhea too, though that just started yesterday so we'll see if it passes. Obviously my new diet is not being digested properly, though I find it ironic that eating healthier would cause me more health problems. I don't want to stop taking protein supplements because they're pretty key in my weight gaining, so I'm wondering how I can modify or add to my diet to make it easier on my stomach. Thanks
You need to spread those shakes out. and likely its that Mammoth 2500 weight gainer giving you the ****s.

taking protein shakes, especially weight gainers, is not exactly 'eating healthy' (though the fruits and veggies definitely ARE examples of eating healthy)

to me it sounds like you're too focused on protein shakes, and not enough on whole foods. A LOT of people on this forum get more than 1g of protein per pound of body weight without a single protein supplement. I think Chillen is one of those people (but I'm convinced he's a robot...)

Keep the post workout shake, but whole foods. have the other shake as a snack many hours later.
How many grams of fiber are you eating a day? should be at least 20-25 grams.

Also, since you are apparently trying to bulk up, you don't need to cut out bread and pasta. real whole grain bread and pasta are good on a bulk as long as you're staying in your macro and calorie guidelines.

If you aren't tracking your food intake...start doing that. You don't have to do it forever but you do need to learn exactly HOW you are eating, so you know WHY your body is responding with gas and mud butt.
Don't have a shake pre-workout. Just have some complex carbs about an hour before, then have a good shake post workout. Get used to the gas, protein farts won't go away.

And honestly, eating healthy makes you smell. The combination of healthy vegetables which contain indigestible sugars (like beans), along with copious amount of protein, including the sulfurous and ultimate smell culprit, the egg, gives you the ultimate recipe for bad, smelly gas. Also, garlic, which is incredibly healthy, especially for your circulatory system, makes your sweat smell so bad that mosquitoes won't even come near you. (seriously, eat garlic, best natural mosquito replant; ever wonder where the whole vampires hating garlic thing came from?)
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Make sure your "Whey" protein doesn't also include Soy Protein, which is
very difficult to digest. I've noticed many of the cheaper "Whey" proteins
now actually also contain Soy, as it is much cheaper, and they can sell it at what appears on the surface to be a bargain price! :)