Trouble getting bigger... out of ideas

I'm almost 16, 5-11 146 lbs 7% body fat and I can't seem to bulk up. I've always worked out with the goal being lean strength, but now, id like to bulk up a bit. Since the first day of june I've been on a four day a week workout routine with cardio on wednesdays, saturdays and sundays. Monday is bi's tri's forearms and grip strength. Tuesdays legs and back, Thursdays chest and shoulders, Fridays legs, bi's and tri's. I have a protein shake after lifting and before bedtime. Im also taking a creatine supplement, 3:1 ratio training/non-training days.
I am getting stronger, but I have only gained a couple lbs since June. What should I do to increase my muscle gain? Diet, workout change, anything would be very much appreciated.
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Change to a FBW 3 times a week, cut your cardio to 1 day a week and eat more healthy food. See the stickies about FBW.

One thing I found when I was younger that helped me gain weight was to add a couple of poor mans shakes to my daily intake: 16 ounces of whole milk blended with 2 extra large raw eggs (you can also add ice cream, yogurt, powdered milk, friut, etc.). Of course, many will rave against raw eggs, the dangers of salmonela and cooked egg protien being more bio-available, but this worked for me when everything else I tried did not. If you are worried about salmonela, be sure to use only eggs with no cracks in the shells and wash the shell with antibacterial soap before cracking them.