Trolls and dramas - Hate 'em or guilty pleasures?

Be honest: Do you enjoy the trolls (old Tanizaki or the new one) and the dramas ? Or do you hate it and thinks it's a waste of time?
I liked Tanazaki, I thought he was particularly intelligent and witty. Especially when he pwned ConanStevens or whatever. Sometimes I think back to some of those posts and I still laugh.

Tribal was annoying just because he was ignorant and was proud of it.

It's subjective. BadMotorFinger (may have been before you came) was funny at times but also got pretty annoying. He was troll-esque, I don't know if he was banned. Tanazaki I wish was still here. He seemed to put the smackdown on those who asked for it. Tribal was lame.

As for the drama...I don't care for it. But if I'm going to weigh in if I see someone(s) is being stupid. I'm going to call it like I see it. Spilt milk, or stepped on toes, or hurt feelings be damned. Some people may say, "it's just the internetz LOL!" But come on, bull**** is bull**** no matter what medium. That's a real person on the end of the line. You can't assume that just because you're looking at a screen, it's going to stop the smell from seeping through.

What the hell am I doing on at 4 in the morning? I have to drive 5 hours tomorrow. Fux.
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BadMotorFinger was awsome, Tanazaki was just annoying, and he was pretty stupid, I don't think I ever saw him actually own someone, since all his arguments were specious.
(like when he compared communism and nazism as evil killing ideologies)

I don't really consider Tribal that much of a troll, give the guy a chanse and he'll come around.
I think the Tribal h8 comes from the majority of us all once being weak and ignorant, to see someone that proud of his weakness and ignorance...makes us mad. Tribal was kind of a troll in that he would go around and talk about how his **** didn't stink while insulting those that were stronger, bigger, and smarter than he was.

If you search for ConanSteven's posts, his last few are him arguing with Tani over how much of an action star he (conan) is. The exchanges are hilarious.


Here is the link
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I don't understand people who thrive on conflict. I can't stand it. Sometimes it makes the forum less fun to come to.
That argument between Tan and C was just Tan trying to make C look bad as an actor.. Again, his arguments sucked and he wasn't even funny.

He always made a bunch of specious arguments, then said "I WON, I WON!" and when you say "err.. no?" he says "HAHAHAH YOU'RE JUST AFRAID OF ADMITTING DEFEAT! IPWN" he acted like a 12 year old IMO, and if he ever came where I live and started knocking around like that, someone would drive him on top of the biggest mountain, in the winter, take his shoes and leave him there. (oldest trick in the book).
he attacks the poster instead of the post, and he deserves to die a long and horrible death (like walking down a mountain in the middle of a north-Norwegian winter.)
Let's face it. Trolls are a part of life. Just like in any part of life you are going to get people who go out of their way to bother others. You give them a chance and then ban them. That's all there is to it.

Tani - Was an idiot. Just because he knew more about nutrition than Tribal doesn't mean ****. He wasn't funny and the fact that some people thought he was smart just goes to show how far having basic knowledge will take you.

Tribal - Total moron. He is a good example of someone who is truely a troll. He didn't know anything about anything and his questions were moronic. Anyone who asks how many eggs to eat a week over and over again in a diary is a troll.
This is why Tribal was so ridiculous: Its not like you say something, and he counters with what he believes and tries to back it up.

Would have to agree with you on this one.

I found it ironic that Tribal would challenge people to " prove it " or " provide evidence " or " provide a study / link " to ' back up ' a claim that may have been made by a poster. In principle, I have no issue with that.

Yet , it seemed to me at least, if Tribal made a claim or statement of fact about something - and we asked questions about them ( i.e to elaborate, provide backup ) - typically, no answer would be provided by Tribal. Each question was met with either stonewalling, dodging or side-stepping questions put to him.

It's very difficult to try and learn something from someone - i.e Tribal - if they refuse to answer questions about things they have posted in the forum.:)
Start another thread, this one is for trolls, unless you want to become on too.

If I see another thread in off topic I'll come and explain myself.
It's too hard to ignore them though...most trolls excel at one thing, getting people riled up...

I hate them all, but again, they always managed to get me riled up.
I was told about this site having chauviniost pigs who dissuade women from having aerobics or yoga. Is this true?

This persons most "recent" posts have a familiar tone to them.

Good afternoon everyone! Keep strong, stay focused, and see your goals at the end of the rainbow baby!

Are you a retard or what? You are calling me a tribal person?

One of my kids was born with ' special needs " - so I'd appreciate it if you could refrain from using that r-word as it is seen as by many in the mental health community as being offensive and promoting negative stereotypes.

Thanks Tribal. ;)
Thanks Tribal. ;)
You don't hear too good do you? I'm sorry bout your kid but calling me names aint gonna cut it. You are just as bad as that mobile phone picture guy who starts a discusion about unknown EPOCS in the aerobics thread.

Are EPOCS weight-lifting term?