Trimming pounds but using protein Good or Bad?

2 months and just started to workout.
I weight in at about 214 pounds, 6ft tall with size 14 shoes! :)
Anyways I started to workout about 2 months ago, Cardio on the machines (high end) and nautilus equipment as I am not totally trained in to the free weights yet.
So just a question for you. I am trying to lose some more weight and have been using Wheybolic Extreme 60 for about the 1st month ONLY after workouts, about 30 g I believe (a scoop and a half). The Wheybolic ran out and I have heard good things about Myofusion from other boards, but when I bought it I noticed that it didn't seem as good as the other as far as fat etc. It also has seemed that since being on Myofusion (taking 1 scoop) that my weight loss has stopped more or less.

So for a person looking to trim down pounds what's the best suggestion? Go without the protein? Again thats the only thing I take after workouts, and if I don't I seem to have muscle toughness etc. Or would it be best to try some other way?
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