Treat your acne - went from 15 spots a day to 0

Hey everyone,

I wanted to tell you how i cured my acne using home made Creams and face wash.

My ugly story
I have had acne for 5 LOOONG years and 3 /5 years i recorded i was getting 5-15 spots EVERY morning. My face was hideous to be honest :( covered in red **** spots , full of marks. So i started to use antibiotics, and guess what you couldnt even see my forehead it was completely covered in acne so i stopped taking them. i started acutane and my lips were splitting, had severe side effects so i stopped that aswell.

My success story
I basically had tried everything apart from plastic surgery which i wasnt allowed to get due to expense and failure of the procedure.

One day my friend told me how he cured his acne which he was told by his grandmother,
so heres how i cure my acne

DONT USE ANY , i repeat ANY commercial products including moisturizers (i had VERY VERY dry skin and still didnt use it)

morning - wash your face with gram flour + milk
moisturizer - mix some lavender oil in gram flour and use that as a cream, if you can try to put some grinded almond skin in there

repeat that at nite aswell and i gurantee that you will see results in a week

Then i tried to drink 3 -5 vegetable/fruit jucies a day. only did that for 1 week and saw massive results
1. beetroot + grapes
2. carrot
3. cucumber
4. apple

If you would like helpful articles then please visit

Thanks and i hope i helped.
I got a fraud warning when clicking that link to check for spam.

But you've got 212 posts, what is this?
no point in doing that really, if he is spamming for his own stuff. Posting that much before spamming just takes too much time and effort. I don't have any powers here though, but I'll report it.
OMG im not spamming anything its my real story ive been here for years why would i spam for such a stupid thing???

theres nothing fraud about it... ive got loads of articles on acne on that site just wanted to give the info out to everyone :S
theres nothing wrong with my link ive just checked it again....

if theres any problem please report them here
hmm, well looking over it a second time it doesn't look like they are trying to sell something. So sorry or jumping the gun.
Extreme apologies for our behaivour
In return we all owe you a favour
We no its not spam so there is no danger

Best Wishes

Peace and happiness to all. My heart is with your soul.

Rock on Young man.
I have had acne since i was a teenager, now im 26. Ive tried everything, from accutane to tea tree oil to proactiv to murad. Nothing worked.

I recently went to a new dermatologist and she said, "We can go traditional (cream and pill) or accutane." We decided traditional, yet it was something I never tried before.

I got some pills and two creams, one for night and one for day. Within 3 DAYS I noticed an amazing difference, no lie. I was amazed. My face got a bit dry, especially under my eyes, so I backed off the creams just a bit, but kept taking the pills. I am extremely pleased.

I will post the names of the three items in a bit.
ye but u do know accutane is a poison?
every drug has side effects and accutane has the most severe to be honest, why take something that will heal 1 thing but then cause damage in another area of your body?
There are always substitutes like the one ive mentioned and NONE of the things have side effects.

karky - Np everyone can mistakes.
ye but u do know accutane is a poison?
every drug has side effects and accutane has the most severe to be honest, why take something that will heal 1 thing but then cause damage in another area of your body?
There are always substitutes like the one ive mentioned and NONE of the things have side effects.

karky - Np everyone can mistakes.


I've taken accutane and it can get pretty bad

All I had was mild depression and cracking skin while on them but I’m pretty sure it can damage internal organs too which is why you can’t drink alcohol while taking them

Oh yeah, I took a double dose on day by mistake and by the evening I felt like killing myself.
I’m glad I took a chance on the drug because I had pretty bad cystic acne which accutane cleared up but I still get spots here and there
Ye accutane is a poison google it.
On the medication pack it even says the user has the right to sue the company if the side effects occur after the resting period aswell

BigTomW - there should be something on psoriasis ill see if i can find something

dont forget to bookmark my site please

Thanks everyone, glad i can help
BigTomW - there should be something on psoriasis ill see if i can find something

Thanks for the suggestion man, but to save you wasting your time scientists havent found a cure yet.

Just treatment for it, thats all there is, some works better than others. Once youve got it youve got it for life :(

Hopefully one day in the near future though :) !
I'm three months into my accutane treatment at 40mg a day. So far, my skin has cleared up dramatically and I've experienced very mild side effects that include:

- dry lips (treatable with lip balm, but I'm screwed if I forget to carry a stick with me wherever I go)

-dry skin on my triceps (I have no idea why it's hitting the skin on my triceps so hard, but it seriously feels like sandpaper - treatable with regular old skin cream)

I put cream on my face every time I get out of the shower, regardless or whether or not I'm running late, so I'd probably have dry skin on my face if I wasn't so vigilant about keeping my face moisturized.

Please tell me what kind of side effects were so severe that you had to get off the drug, and what dose you were taking per day.

I'm halfway through my treatment and couldn't be happier with the results thus far. Now if only I can find a non-surgical way to get rid of the plethora of scars that the pimples have left behind on my forehead. Oh well, can't have everything, right?
Accutane helped me in about 2 months, I kept taking it all the way through the three month cycle though.

You know how you are NOT supposed to take Tylenol with Accutane?
I accidentally did. I took something that I thought was for my stomach (tasted like a anti-acid thing, but it had Tylenol in it) I started throwing up after about 1 hour. I kept throwing up (dry heaving now) for about three hours. Then I LITERALLY was asleep for two and a half days, waking up out of sleep (don't remember any of it) to take a sip of Gatorade once my mother told me.

I highly suggest DO NOT take Tylenol while on Accutane.