Treadmills; calories burned vs. miles walked?


New member
I just ordered a treadmill.
At first I wanted to join a gym so I could use one, but I have some self-esteem issues and feel rather self-concious, also with membership fee and transportation it seemed buying a treadmills was a better option.
I have some questions though, should I focus on how many calories I burn or how many miles I walk (brisk walking)?
I'm confused on how many miles I'm supposed to walk tbh.

My stats are (in case you're wondering):
Female, 26, 5'1", 85kg (187.5 lbs).
I would probably focus more on the miles because calorie counters on treadmills are really just estimates and you could burn more or less. My advice is if you want to focus on calories get a heart rate monitor. That way it's picking up the way your heartrate fluctuates and you can set it accordingly to your body. Mine does my bodys normal resting HR, and whats high and whats low. It also has a setting for the optimal fat burning zone and tells me how many calories I burned, as well as my steps.

I think time could also be a nice motivator. Like tell yourself you have to walk 45 minutes (I tell myself I have to jog through my favorite show). That way you can progress with your miles. It leaves an open door for progression.

I like having my own treadmill because I can exercise in my underwear if I want lol. It does get monotonous so switching it up with the great outdoors is always fun.
If your wanting to burn fat i would suggest HIIT and concentrate on ur heartrate, u want to keep heatrate alternating between high and low intensity, this is great for burning fat and preventing ur body plateuing like it will do with constant intensity.

This also needs to be alongside a calorie defecit, if u are not losing weight u need to drop calories by 300-500 per day