Treadmill Workout

Alright I been working out for 2 weeks now (right now its on break due to my ankle being swollen, hopely its heal tomorrow) Anyways I am a ex smoker I stop for like 2 months, and I been smokin for 2 years before hand. I do 5-8 min a day with the treadmill(speed= 5.0-6.0 calories = 100 body fat =30) Also I do pushups about 100-200 depending, also about 200-300 situps also depending. I stop drinking soda(I sometimes drink one since I like my dr.pepper heh) but now I mainly can handle it and just been drinking water and prolly 2 diet cokes a day. I also found out about fiber helping you out so I have been eating alot of fiber (weight watcher bars).

So far I have lost about 2-3lbs ( its wierd cause all the weight machines average around 200-210 so its hard to say what really is my wieght) Anyways my real question is "What is a good time to be on the treadmill?" like is there something that calculates my weight and how fast I do it for and how much I lose and by the end of the week if you keep it up you lost this much weight or at the end of the week you lose this much, etc???

Example is this
I'm a little worried about your diet. If you're really serious about weight loss, then diet is the key to losing and keeping it off. Exercise is great, anyone can do it, and you demonstrated it quite well being that you do 100-200 push ups & sit ups, which is beyond excessive and unnecessary and if you can do it easily, it means you need to be doing something else.

As for weight loss, again the key is diet. You could very well be doing all that exercise for nothing as the calories in and out cancels each other out. I suspect that the 2-3 pounds you lost is just water weight, and not actually fat since you said you drink a lot of soda. Although, I'm pretty sure you're weighing yourself randomly throughout the day in which case that 2-3 pounds may be nothing more than normal weight changes. If you want to insure that you're weighing yourself correctly, weigh yourself at the same time of the day wearing the same clothes (or none at all). Some people recommend only weighing yourself once a week, since you can feel down when you see a normal weight gain or a normal sudden weight loss (only to go back up the very next day). You can easily add 10 pounds in a day simply by eating; it doesn't mean it's 10 pounds of fat though as it hasn't been digested yet.

Come post on the weight loss forum and we'll help you out with how to get started on a healthy path. Remember diet is the key; exercise is really just to complement it.

As for you treadmill question, the best method is interval training and keeping track of your heart rate. Calories being burnt really mean nothing. If I followed that, I would be burning roughly 300 calories each time I run, but I don't follow it. Instead, I monitor my hr, by keeping it within the training range, and also, using interval training methods to insure that I am getting a workout. I run for no more than 20 minutes, and it is highly recommended not to go over 30 minutes as you risk injury as well as losing valuable muscles from extended cardio.

To find you max heart rate, take 220 - your age. Then take that number and multiply it by .60 (or 60%) and that will be your approximant range of getting a good workout. You want to use this max heart rate to do interval training by walking, running, sprinting, running, sprinting, walking, running, etc for 20 minutes.

With that and a good diet and some strength training, you can burn fat like crazy.
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I also found out about fiber helping you out so I have been eating alot of fiber (weight watcher bars).

These "bars" are probably just as bad as eating the stuff you think is bad. Sadly, many companies label their products as healthy, only to find that the so-called healthy snack is nothing more than a cover system for things loaded with saturated/trans fat, sodium, and other stuff that you don't want in your body.

You can be healthy by eating smart meals, instead of eating stuff labled as "health bar."