Treadmill vs ellipitical trainer

I am a new member and starting working out again after the birth of my son. I lost wait before by taking xenadrine and running on the treadmill. It came all fast. Now I need to lose weight again after my baby and not sure if running is better or using the ellipitcal trainer. I like using the ellip because it is easier on my joints. But I need to make the most of my time since my son is only allowed in the nursery 2 hours maximum.

Any help would be great.

Thanks alot.

You shouldnt need that long in the gym at all.....After bout 55 mins cardio supposedly you'll stop burning fat its 45-55 thats recommended.
Don't stick to the elliptical..your body will get used to it very quickly and if your dont vary your workouts...then you'll stop making progress. Try doing various, 15 min bike, 15 min treadmill, 15 min elliptical or something like keeps you motivated as well cos it doesn't seem so long or boring.

Alternativly try interval training....1 min fast as you can and 1 min slow...

Try doing some weights too to tone you up...various rerasons why weights are brilliant...have a browse round the forums for different reasons....metabolism/bone density etc...