Traveling with POWDER?

Here's an unusual one:

Has anyone of you ever traveled by plane with some supplements in powder form; such as Whey, BCAA, Creatine, etc...
just asking, because I'm about to go China for 2weeks, and I'd like to take my supplements with me to minimize catabolism as much as possible, since I already know I'm up for some weight loss :)
I intend to put in my luggage and check that in (not put in my hand luggage). Should there be any problems with customs, like confusing it with smth else that also has powder form :D

I've travelled internationally with whey protein powder before. Usually it is in my checked luggage, but sometimes I have some in carry-on, and no one has ever questioned this. But it is typically near other food items (protein bars) too.

Never gone to China, so I have no idea what it would be like there, though...
Ditto. I took creatine and a number of vitamins to China and it never came up. It's never come up ever, actually.
Geez I dont know, I wouldnt ay unless you know all the rules, theres a whole bunch of stuff that could go wrong e.g. you get locked up in a chinease jail or something.

Im not sure what the rules are and what china's customs are.
Went through customs in Vietnam--->Tokyo---->LA all with carry-on whey(I was making shakes all the way), no problems and a good conversation starter with Japanese stewardesses ;). The So*'s in LA made me take off my shoes and took my peanut butter though :(
Sorry about your peanut butter! The definition of cream, gel or paste differs when it comes to food depending what country you are in. In the States, I've accidentally had yogurt that snuck through (shouldn't have) and generally get away with more food items.

On the other hand, when I flew through Gatwick in August, they confiscated my cottage cheese! :pain7:[Lost the hummus too - which is more paste like] I was bummed, because it was something I could not replace once I was past security.

He travels well, just remember to pack a lunch for him, and crack the window if you leave 'em in the car.